You Can Make Me Sit, But I Don't Have To Like It | Anchors Aweigh


October 4, 2013

You Can Make Me Sit, But I Don't Have To Like It

Happy Friday friends! Here are a few Jenny-inspired randoms and confessions that had us smiling this week.

Parker and I like to caption Jenny's expressions in pictures and every day life. I think this is fairly normal. Despite having such a sweet disposition and genuinely loving it when Parker and I are exclusively spending time with her, Jenny has mastered the art of mean-mugging the camera. Parker decided it was time to switch out the screen saver and made sure to caption Jenny's lacking enthusiasm.

Confession: I am so glad Jenny has such a good "sit". It's the command we trust her in the most, and we know she won't get up until we say "okay". This "sit" has probably saved the lives of multiple neighborhood cats, so they should be thankful too.

Too bad there isn't a command for "look at the camera". She'll sit, but she will I am pretty sure purposefully look away from the camera. Well played, Jen.

Parker likes to flip up Jenny's ears and then send her over to me. He knows it drives me nuts and I will flip them back down as soon as she arrives. We call this "restoring to factory settings".

Completely unrelated to Jenny but also worth mentioning, Parker is now an instrument-rated pilot! He can now fly via instruments (through clouds and unideal weather) by himself. Proud of that aviator! (and Jenny is too!)

Happy weekend!


  1. Irene doesn't like to look at the camera either!!!! You are right though, "sit" is the greatest command ever.

  2. I do the ear flip to our dogs and send them to my husband! He hates it too!!

    Congrats for your husband!!

  3. Hahahaha, I do the same ear flipping thing to our dog and he hates it! He's not a camera loving dog either! This is so cute. And congrats to your husband!!

  4. hahaha I flip my kitties' ears like that. My chow chow's ears don't flip, or I'd totally do the same thing :)

  5. The apartment pup and my family's dog are also pretty camera shy, to say the least. I can't do that whole ear flip thing. It drives me insane!

  6. she is so stinking cute!
    & YAY congratulations to Parker that is simply awesome!

  7. AWE SO CUTE!!!


  8. I seriously adore you two! "Resetting factory settings"! :) Congrats to Parker!

  9. Jenny is so cute. I have a dog that is camera shy as well. Not to mention I get super OCD when one of their ears are flipped. I also have to flip them back haha. Congrats to your husband! What a great accomplishment.

  10. hahah Jenny is too cute! And congrats to Parker!!!

  11. In the first photo the look on the dogs face was just so funny, looked like he wasn't amused lol. cute pics

  12. Very cute post! Congrats to Parker!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. I always get bombarded with kisses when we try to take pictures with our pooches. And I love when you show Jenny!

  14. so stinking cooooo-tttteee. :p precious pictures. i'm a sap for dog pics and handsome guy pics


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