A Week of Ups and Downs | Anchors Aweigh


November 8, 2013

A Week of Ups and Downs

Friday happy dance! There is just not much better than Friday at 5:00, so that's what I'm looking forward to on this fine Friday. This week was good, but it definitely had its ups and downs. Here's what's been going on with the Phelps trio.

1. The week started a little on the rough side for me when I came down with a lovely stomach bug Sunday night. Being sick is so not fun, but I am so thankful for the three things that got me through: Jesus, Parker, and Saltine crackers.

2. Texas fought the good fight for a while in not getting chilly. I wore shorts all week, and it just finally got cold. I am going to miss walking Jenny without having to put on multiple layers. Aint nobody got time for that!

3. Parker and I were talking yesterday, and he asked what the big deal was about this fox video people keep talking about it. So we Youtubed "What does the fox say?" and wasted three minutes of our lives. We both thought it was pretty dumb, but then Parker couldn't stop singing that silly catchy song! He drove us both bananas. Lesson learned: don't Youtube silly videos with catchy songs. You can watch it below if you too would like to waste three minutes of your life :)

4. Jenny was looking for a little fatherly advice this week. Also I just like taking pictures of Parker and the pup.

5. It's November, which is the month we tend to remember to be thankful for all we are given. Today, I'm thankful for my perfectly imperfect marriage. And I'm thankful for Friday. Yes, both of those things.

Happy Friday friends!!


  1. You guys are just adorable, and I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! :)

  2. SHORTS all WEEK!!!! Ugh it's been really cold up here all week :(

  3. So glad you're feeling better! Those bugs are the WORST! :(

    It's still shorts weather here, but it's gradually getting more chilly.

    I'm also thankful for my marriage to a wonderful man and that we moved to Florida so we could enjoy shorts weather almost year round :)

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling better! I also don't understand that "What does the fox say?" video...

    Happy Friday!

  5. I'm thankful that you're feeling better. and I'm thankful Friday's. I'm thankful for your friendship girl and knowing you thru blog and getting to know you outside of blog. You're a true inspiration and your marriage is an inspiration too. Lets me know that not everyone in the world is bad and that one day I will meet my Mr. Right.

  6. You guys are adorable and I'm so glad you are feeling better. :)

  7. so glad you're feeling better!
    stomach viruses are the WORST! :( :(
    the what does the fox say video kills me every time, so funny! I know the humor isn't for everyone, but it's just hilarious to me for some reason, I love random crap like that (and it was made as a joke!)

  8. I just wasted 3 minutes of my life..being thoroughly entertained by the fox! haha

  9. Agreed! Dumb video but so dang catchy!

    PS Glad you're feeling better!

  10. You and Parker are so sweet!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


  11. I hope you're feeling better! There seems to be something going around, I know I ended up sick all week. A big hoorah for cold weather,...not...at least it's just starting to get cold in Texas. Kentucky has been chilly for a while. Have a great weekend!

  12. I'm so glad you're feeling better! Don't get sick anymore, ok? ;-)

  13. Oh my gosh. I clicked on the What does the fox say video. My eyes/ears!

    Glad you're feeling better x

  14. I'm glad you are feeling better! That stomach bug is nasty.
    I kept hearing about that fox song too and finally a friend posted that video on Facebook and I watched it.. and I think it is SO dumb but I can't stop singing it either :(
    Hope you guys had an amazing weekend!


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