Bullet Points | Anchors Aweigh


November 15, 2013

Bullet Points

Can yall believe we are halfway through November? It is seriously going to be 2014 before we know it, and that's just crazy to think about. So what's going on with the Phelps trio lately? Life has been good for us. Let's break it down with a few Friday bullet points:

  • My twin sister and I have decided to train for a half marathon! This is something I was planning on doing when Parker deploys, but I guess there's no time like the present. We came up with a running schedule and began training this week. We live hours apart and may never run together before race day, but we're identical twins, so I think we'll fall in sync ;)
  • Of course when I decided to start training, Texas decided to become an arctic tundra. So that was fun. Parker and I have loved bumming around the house in the evenings in pajama pants and sweat shirts. Does anyone else think guys' pj's are so much more comfortable than girls'?
  • Our Wednesday night obsession is in full-swing. We just can't get enough of Survivor. Anyone else out there still drinking the Survivor kool-aid? We just love it. 
  • We said goodbye to some sweet friends this week as they head to their next duty station in California. I think I am always going to hate goodbyes, no matter how normal they are in this military lifestyle. It's fun having friends all over the world though!
  • One of my favorite link-ups is the Boys Behind the Blog, but the questions this month don't really apply to Parker. I love featuring him each month, soooo let's do a grab bag. Feel free to comment with any questions you have for the boy behind this blog! I'll feature them with his answers in a post next week!
It's Friday, yall. It's a good day :)


  1. It IS a good day! That's so cool that you and your sister are training for a half. I'd love to do that someday if my knee ever heals!

  2. "Texas decided to become an arctic tundra"
    I seriously couldn't stop laughing for a minute. hilarious!

    also training for a half-marathon, that is AWESOME! I was training for one last year and then fractured my foot before the race...I was REALLY bummed out. i'm hoping to do one in the next year or so - really challenge myself ya know!

    question: if he was forced to watch one movie for a solid week - what would he choose?

  3. Nice! That's so cool that you are both training for it together!

    Question for your hubby: What is your absolute favorite thing about your wife?? (Hopefully this wasn't already answered!)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. You think Texas is cold? It SNOWED in Kentucky! SNOW! In November! Insane!!!

    Good luck training for the half marathon! :)

    I'll have to think of some good questions for Parker and get back to you!

  5. Yay for training for a half marathon! You will do amazing. :) It's such a fun experience.

  6. I love Survivor! My dad and I both watch it and talk about on the phone the next day since we live so far from each other. It started over a deployment when my hubby was gone and we just never stopped it.

  7. Half Marathon! I've been wanting to do that recently… but I just hate. running. so. much. It's hard to get on the running train!

    Questions for Parker:
    What does he want to do after the Navy?
    What is his least favorite chore?
    What is his favorite thing {meal/snack/drink} that you make?

  8. I hope your training for the half marathon goes well. I just decided this week that running (or jogging to be more accurate) a half marathon was going to be my health and fitness goal for 2014!

  9. Agreed about the men's sweatpants! I am in love with these sweatpants from Holister! Buy yourself a pair and your body will thank you!


    I also felt the same way about the BBtB questions......still the hubby answered them as best he could!

  10. dang girl....I wish I could get that many comments a day. any way you can feature my blog link or whatever. Or let me do a guest blog post

  11. Wow, a half marathon??? Good luck girlie!!! :-)

  12. Yay for your race! I ran my first half marathon this year. You will love crossing that finish line, such a great feeling! I agree, guys' pj's way comfy! xo

  13. What half are y'all running?!?!?! I'm running one in April in Bastrop, well if my ankle EVER heals :(

  14. When I do I LOVE wearing my husbands sweatpants. They are more comfortable than mine. And I'm glad that he's chill like that to let me wear his :) And good for you for training for the half. A friend and i want to sign up for one. For her it's no big deal being the runner she is. For me? HA! Train, train, training for me!

  15. Great ! I would definitely want to run with my twin sister , I think we can start it someday . Good luck to you :)
    Whooop , I have a question to Parker " How did you get into Air Force? With details , no cheating" .

  16. I've wanted to get back into running. I'm thinking after this baby gets here, I may finally take the plunge. I ran in high school, but had a problem with recurring stress fractures. Hopefully that won't be an issue now.

  17. What half? I'm signing up for half. I wasn't sure if we were going to move this year, bu it looks like I'm going to be. I would love to know.

  18. Chelsea~
    I just got done running my 2nd 1/2 marathon and you will love it!! The training is hard, not going to lie to you. BUT the feeling when you cross the finish line is amazing!! Do you know what 1/2 you guys are going to do?
    I stumbled across your blog from another blog that was linked to yours and I LOVE reading your blog!


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