Datevitation Giveaway! | Anchors Aweigh


November 14, 2013

Datevitation Giveaway!

I love giving gifts to my husband, but boys can be such a challenge! Parker never really needs anything, and I always struggle to find the perfect gift that will show him I care. One of my sponsors this month, Datevitation, provides the perfect solution with their custom date books. I have always loved giving sweet and thoughtful gifts to my husband, so creating a custom coupon book to give him was so much fun! He is getting his book for Christmas, so he has been instructed not to read this blog post!

All I had to do was go to, search their plethora of creative date ideas, and pick the ones I think Parker and I would enjoy! They have a library of over 500 creative date ideas for you to choose from.  I tried to get creative on a few but also use things that we enjoy doing together. I also personalized each page with cute little notes or inside jokes between the two of us.

One of the coolest features about Datevitation is that you can upload your own faces for the cartoon images. It was so fun playing with all of the different hair styles... I may have gotten a little distracted and tried every style on Parker before finishing my book. How cool are these little vouchers for Parker to redeem?!

One of the items on our bucket list while living here is to go to the aquarium, so now we have incentive to do so!

Lazy Friday nights with take-out dinner are sometimes just what the doctor ordered!

He always warms up so much better than I do, but when we go to play, I beat him every time. He'll get it one of these days ;)

We are way too dependent on technology these days. I am excited to take a Saturday and stay away from video games and phones and just focus on us!

My coupon book arrived a few days after I ordered it in this cute little brown envelope. I had Parker take a picture with it, but he has no idea what's inside! I can't wait to give it to him for Christmas.

A few facts about Datevitation:
  • is the web's first online platform to create a custom love coupon book. Unlike the pre-packaged love coupon books on the market, you pick the dates and can customize the text to your liking. Once you are done customizing the text in your book, Datevitation will print it out and ship it to you. 
  • Books normally start at $25, but as a special gift for my followers, you can use the code AWEIGH10 for $10 off your purchase plus free shipping. That means you can get your loved one a one of a kind Christmas gift for just $15! The order cut-off date for guaranteed delivery before Christmas is December 13th, so make sure you get your order in before then.
  • Datevitation is a family business run by the husband-wife team of Alex and Olga Karpman. You can get to know them on the Datevitation blog, where they offer video guides to date ideas and romantic gestures. You can even watch Alex propose to Olga on a video they posted on Youtube as a Save the Date, which now has over 1.5 million views (video here)!

Datevitation is giving away a free custom 5-page book to one lucky reader, just in time for Christmas! Be sure to use promo code AWEIGH10 for $10 off a custom date book!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. These books are so fun. I've been eyeing them forever!

  2. Oh my gosh...I just LOVE this! I think this would be so fun to give Ryan. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  3. I've never actually got one of these books, but I've always wanted to!! So cool!

  4. I love the cartoon images! So funny! :)

  5. I would make one for my mom and include the option for concert... My mom loves going to concerts but I don't really care for them.

    I can't wait to be in a relationship and make these for my special someone!

  6. This is such a cute idea!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. I absolutely love coupon books and date books! In the past I always gave them to my parents and or significant other! Too cute! Can't wait to see Parker's reaction!

    XOXO Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  8. That is such a cute idea! I always have trouble coming up with ideas for John.

  9. This would be a great idea for my husband. I would love to give this to him for Christmas!!

  10. haha I love y'alls faces on the little cartoons!

  11. This is awesome and the head cut-outs are the best!

  12. Love the Staycation coupon! Thanks for the giveaway!


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