Family in Kingsville | Anchors Aweigh


November 11, 2013

Family in Kingsville

This weekend was one Parker and I have been looking forward to for weeks. Instead of traveling to see family, the family came to us! My parents made a weekend trip to Kingsville that could not have been more perfect. When you're a "grown-up", there is just something about having your family come to visit you. You want to show off your house and bake them yummy treats and just give them a taste of what life is like in your neck of the woods. Our town is small, but we love living here and were excited to show it off.

Friday night we took them to our favorite little restaurant in Kingsville, and boxing champ Roy Jones Jr. happened to be sitting at the table behind us! I have no idea what this boxing legend was doing in little old Kingsville, but he seemed so nice and down to earth. People were coming up to him all evening to get an autograph and take a picture, but we just sat back and watched. We felt badly bothering him! Pretty cool way to start the weekend off though :)

I think everyone's favorite part of the trip was seeing the base and the jet that Parker flies. This is a huge part of our lives, so I love that Parker got to share it with them.

We took advantage of my parents being in town and recruited them to take our Christmas card picture (can't wait to share those later!) and then headed into Corpus Christi for lunch on the water. It was a beautiful day and we got away with wearing shorts in November, which is always a victory in my book. Not to mention, we had out of this world fish tacos. Definitely some of the best fish tacos I have ever had!

We perused the town a bit before heading back to watch the Aggies take home a win. Is there anything better than pizza and wine on the couch watching your favorite football team? I was in Heaven. Jenny was so thrilled to have company as well. She offered up her best pupper hospitality for her grandparents!

Family is so precious to us, and getting to spend a weekend showing my parents our lives down here was such a gift. Wish it didn't have to end!

Happy Veteran's Day to all of the brave men and women who have served our country! Thank you so much for your sacrifices and dedication to this great nation.


  1. Your family is just beautiful! Happy Veterans Day to you and yours, Chelsea :)

  2. I LOVE having family come visit us! I love entertaining and finally having a house to call our own:) The fish tacos look yummy!

  3. I'm glad you had a great time with your family. Can't wait to see your Christmas card pictures.

  4. Looks like such a great weekend! Thanks to your husband for his service.

  5. What a wonderful weekend! Can't wait to see your Christmas card, I know it's going to be amazing. :)

  6. Sounds like a really wonderful way to spend your weekend!! Hanging with family is the best! Thank you so much to your wonderful hubby for his service! =)

  7. You have a beautiful family seriously!!! And what's more fun than having you family come to see you. It's so fun taking them around and being their tour guides. Looks like you all had a blast!! Oh and I am totally excited to see your Christmas cards!!

  8. You look so much like your parents! How cool that Parker was able to show off the jet he flys in - so awesome! Can't wait to see your Christmas photos!

  9. Looks like such a fun weekend. I love hosting family at my house! Love that you are still in shorts. It's snowing here today!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  10. Looks like fun and relaxing weekend :)

  11. What a treat to be with your parents for the weekend. You all look very happy. A special salute to our favorite Navy Pilot, Parker Lee. Lots of love from Grandma Pat & Pa Har

  12. I love when my family comes to visit. There's just something about family getting to see what daily life is like that just makes me so happy. Looks like you had a great weekend! :) And tell Parker I said thank you for his service!

  13. Those tacos look so yummy. Glad to hear that you had a great weekend with your family.

  14. Awww... Sounds like quite the perfect weekend! :-)

  15. Please thank your husband for protecting my freedom and also-- thank you to YOU for standing by him! Things aren't always easy for a military wifey!

  16. I love the pics and love that you got the sailboat in one of them before it sailed by. I would've ben taking pics of the sailboat/s repeatedly if I had been there. Just letting you know i'm mentioning you in a post today. check it out girl.

  17. So glad y'all had such an amazing weekend! Thanks so much to Parker and his service to our country.

  18. Yay for fun weekends with family in town! Also you guys are probably the prettiest family ever, so there's that. Parker obviously didn't get the stripes memo and he's probably going to kill me now for saying that. Anyway, I can't wait to see your Christmas pictures and I'm glad you got to spend time with the rents! :)

  19. First, thank you to you & Parker for your service. Happy belated Veterans Day!
    Second, that looks like a wonderful weekend. I hope you enjoyed.
    Have a great day!


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