How To Not Gain 5 Pounds During The Holidays | Anchors Aweigh


November 22, 2013

How To Not Gain 5 Pounds During The Holidays

I was listening to the radio the other day, and the DJ said the average person will gain 5 pounds between Thanksgiving and the Superbowl. What?! I don't know how scientific that number is, but gaining weight around food-centered holidays does make sense. I know it's about to get cold, but we aren't grizzly bears. We don't need to pack on any extra insulation. This time of year I am surprisingly mindful of what I put in my mouth. Will I eat my weight in stuffing and deluxe mac & cheese on Thanksgiving Day? You betcha, but Thanksgiving is just one day, not the entire month. I want to enjoy the holidays, but I don't want to completely fall off the wagon the days leading up to it.

I don't know about yall, but the 3:30 PM munchies are what get me. Without fail, I get hungry each afternoon. I think snacking can be the most dangerous. It's easier for me to eat healthy during meals- breakfast is usually a healthy cereal, lunch is some sort of sandwich with a fruit and some cracker chips, and I control what we eat for dinner since I am the main chef at Casa de Phelps. I am by no means a model eater, and Jillian Michaels probably would not be too proud of me, but I try to make good decisions at meal time. Snacking, that's a different story. When I get those afternoon munchies, I just want to eat everything! I often eat more for a snack than my body is actually hungry for. Healthy snacks are key, and that's why I am glad I was given the chance to try LÄRABAR.

These fruit and nut bars are delicious and packed with all of the good stuff a healthy snack needs. I am obsessed with the Apple Pie flavor! These babies are also gluten free and vegan, so you can feel safe eating them if you have special dietary needs or goals. Every bite is packed full with fruit, nuts, and spices with no more than nine ingredients in each bar. Pure and simple. One bar leaves my belly full and satisfied until dinner time.

In addition to healthy snacking, working out during the holidays is a must for me. Since I am training for a half marathon, I have a set schedule to adhere to that has kept me focused. Of course I will take a break to enjoy time with friends and family, but there's no need to get crazy and take a month off. It's all about moderation in my book! For a healthy start, check out LÄRABAR online or at your grocery store.

What are some ways you stay healthy during the holidays?


  1. I love LARABARS, but they're a bit pricey for me, so I tend to make them myself...they taste JUST like the original, too! :)

  2. Love Larabars! I just usually make sure I have a "healthier" snack like wheat pretzle sticks or almonds in my bag when I feel like I need a snack...that usually works!

  3. I was so excited when I found these because I can actually eat them (gluten free problems) ;) and they are so yummy!

  4. Have you tried Luna bars? They're similar to Lara, but I think they taste better and have a better flavor selection

  5. I also get the munchies around 3 pm and my workplace loves pot lucks so its been pretty bad lately. I'll have to look into these bars.

    Found you through follow friday! :)

  6. I think people forget about portion control and remaining active. I try to take the small plates at parties, and if I am hosting things try to have active things for people to move around a little.

  7. Great tips! I wish we were like bears and could just hibernate all winter... :)

  8. I have never heard of Larabars. I might have to get me some of that!

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  10. these are my husband's FAVORITE granola bar. and the ingredients are so great! most are completely paleo!

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