Thankful | Anchors Aweigh


November 20, 2013


November brings Thanksgiving, which reminds us all to be thankful for what we have. It's an awesome time for reflection to remember all of the gifts God has blessed us with.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."- James 1:17

We all have so much that we take for granted. I know I do. I remember to thank God for my family, for friends all across the world, and for His love for me, but I forget to thank Him for so much. One of those things is my health. When I'm healthy, I completely take it for granted. Being healthy is "normal" for me, and I know I am blessed for that. It's only when I get sick that I remember that good health is a gift and a blessing, not a right or a state of normalcy. It shouldn't take something bad happening, like getting sick, for me to remember that health is a gift from above. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have gotten a stomach bug. And then BAM, out of the blue I came down with a bad one earlier this month for no apparent reason. It was a miserable 48 hours, but it reminded me how blessed I am that this is a rare occurrence. I really think God used this to keep me in check, and I can honestly say I am glad it happened. This Thanksgiving has reminded me to be thankful for the gift of a healthy body and healthy loved ones.

I asked my sponsors this month what they are thankful for. Be sure to check these amazing ladies out!

For more information on sponsoring Anchors Aweigh, visit my Sponsors tab. 

What are you thankful for?


  1. Thank you so much for including me :). I loved reading all the other's responses

  2. I'm thankful for so much, and I love seeing that others are, too. Sometimes I think that the meaning of Thanksgiving gets swallowed up by Christmas. I, however, am truly thankful to have a family that loves me, a wonderful fiance and a healthy, happy life. God is good :)

  3. Loved reading this! I'm thankful that God has blessed my husband and me in the way that he has!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. Thank you Chelsea!! Looks great! =)

  5. This is such a wonderful post! :)

  6. Thank you! This is such a wonderful idea. You should be thankful for your ability to be so darn creative!

  7. I love them all! I'm thankful for reading this post!

  8. There's so much I'm thankful for, but lately I've been really thankful for my time in college. A small percentage of people in the world get this opportunity and I am so blessed to be able to have it.

  9. I find that I also forget to be thankful for my health. But it is such a huge blessing in my life.


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