Twin Tales and The Story So Many of You Asked to Hear... | Anchors Aweigh


November 7, 2013

Twin Tales and The Story So Many of You Asked to Hear...

I received a lot of questions about my twin sister after last week's post about being a twin, so I thought I would answer a few of them for you!

So you want to know about twins (round 2)... 
The first round was typical questions that all twins get asked. Here is a little more information about me and my twin, specifically.

So what's her name? 
Her name is Danielle. I am glad we have names that are distinct from one another. I imagine having rhyming names would get confusing!

Who's older?
I am older by 42 minutes. Most twins come out within a couple of minutes of each other. 42 minutes is a pretty long gap for twins!

Which twin told the other twin what to do?
I'm not sure if it was because I came out first, but that was definitely me. Anytime someone asked Danielle a question when we were little, I answered for her. My parents would ask what we wanted to drink, and I would answer "we'll have milk". Danielle was fine with this, and it carried on until we went to kindergarten. They had to put us in separate classes so she could learn how to talk for herself.

Have you ever switched places?
If you have been reading this blog long, then you might have read this post. Yes, we switched places three times. Once in kindergarten (amateurs), and twice senior year of high school. You can read all about how I ran her track meet for her here.

A couple of other fun facts...

We are mirror twins, whatever that means. It's a term twins hear fairly often. One of us is right handed and the other is left handed. Our hair also naturally parts on opposite sides.

She was the cooler one growing up. I like to think we have evened out now haha.

We have been really easy to tell apart for the past couple of years because she started dyeing her hair. I have never colored my hair, so we tell everyone I have our real hair.

And because so many of you asked...

I mentioned in last week's post that our husbands have never had a problem telling us apart with the exception of an incident at Parker's bachelor party. He gave me permission to tell this story, so this is how it went down. A big group of us were staying at Parker's parents' house for the weekend. The guys left for Parker's bachelor party and the girls stayed back and had a girls night. When the boys came home after a night at the bars, Parker stumbled into the house towards my direction. He looked closely and said "Chelsea?! Which one are you? You're Chelsea right?" He walked towards me with his hands out in front of him and squinted at my face. He was half laughing but figured out it was me pretty quickly by my stare of disbelief (my twin found the whole thing hilarious). By the time I decided how to respond, he was off entertaining the rest of the group. It clearly didn't bother him that he had trouble telling us apart at the time, but I made sure he remembered the next morning...and I haven't let him forget it since. :) I tease him about it from time to time. He wanted me to throw in that he was pretty confident it was me, but he didn't want to risk accidentally hugging the wrong twin. Better to be safe than sorry I guess? So that is why our husbands have never had a problem telling us apart...except once at Parker's bachelor party ;)


  1. My husband actually has a twin sister, So Obviously I don't have trouble telling them apart. It must have been fun to grow up as a twin! My friend just had twin boys and they are the cutest ever.

  2. The bachelor party story is funny! When my brother in law was staying with us I had to be a little more on my guard about who to hug. They're not identical, but you can really tell they're brother, and I'm used to only having one muscular, black-haired man around the house, so I did a lot of double-takes during those few weeks!

  3. Haha! So glad you posted this story!

    - Ashlee

  4. I love these posts because my husband is an identical twin too. Ever since I've met him, I have only had trouble telling them apart once. They used to have the EXACT same hairstyle in addition to being identical. One night I went over to their house and one of them was standing in the living room with their back to the door. I just assumed it my husband and started to walk over and surprise him with a hug. Luckily he turned around before I made it across the room becaus it was his twin. I never made the mistake of trying to tell them apart from behind ever again.

  5. What neat stories! The story about Parker is pretty funny-- I wouldn't let him forget it either :)

  6. I love this post. It's fun learning more about twins! You two are so cute! I love the stories.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. You girls look SO alike - all of you! I confess...I wouldn't be able to tell you apart in person on first glance haha

  8. That story about Parker is funny! :-) I think having a twin sounds so awesome! (Although, I know that you don't know otherwise) I keep telling Nate that we need to have twins. Haha. As if we control it. ;-)

  9. I've never heard of mirrored twins, that's neat! I always wanted a twin so we could switch places ha ha :D
    That story about Parker is funny!

  10. That bachelor party story is the best lol

  11. That's so funny about Parker confusing you two!
    My sister and I are NOT twins but we have that issue with our guys. My sister and her boyfriend live in Ft. Rucker, AL as he's in training to be an Apache pilot. It was only 2 hours from Pensacola so we'd go visit often. While we were there, we dyed each other's hair. This is a common occurrence but this time we both opted for the same color. That evening, my husband walked up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders and started talking to "me"....until I walked out of the bathroom and he realized it was not me he was touching and talking to lol. And later that night, her boyfriend smacked my butt, thinking it was her. Thankfully we're all really close (not in THAT way) so we all just had a good laugh about it.

  12. Oh I so wish I had a twin to switch places with sometimes!! Haha Parker will never live that down!

  13. Great twin stories! You two are a mirror of each other. Even though my twin sisters are identical, they definitely have their own style, look and all that. Since it runs in our family, I hope I have twin babies! :) So fun!

  14. I always wanted a twin growing up, thanks to the Olsen Twins! Haha! This is so cool. I'm totally jealous. I would give anything to have twins someday! :)


  15. That story about Parker is too funny. At least he was making sure it was you!!! ;)

  16. ah I just read the track meet story - DYING hilarious oh my goodness, yes too good of an opportunity to pass up! :)
    and oh my goodness, poor parker hahahah but makes for a hilarious story for us!


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