We Bleed Maroon | Anchors Aweigh


November 6, 2013

We Bleed Maroon

This past weekend, we went home to Aggieland. We had tickets to the football game and were excited for a weekend with my sisters. It's a rarity that we are all together these days! Family and Texas A&M are about as good as it gets in our books.

 Can you tell which one is my twin? We all look pretty darn alike in my opinion! (Littlest sister Faith, me, twin sister Danielle, little sister Natalie)

The football game was against UT El Paso, and the Ags won 57-7. It wasn't much of a nail biter, but it was still a blast to get to see the Aggies play. There are a lot of opinions about Johnny Manziel from the world, but I have to say, seeing him in action is really fun. He is one talented quarterback and I am glad he has represented Texas A&M for the past two years. It was an evening game, and we did our best not to freeze to death. It only got down to 50 degrees, but we are from Texas! We don't do cold. This game also happened to be the military appreciation game, so I was super psyched about that! It was neat to see how many veterans and active duty were present when they asked them to stand up.

Parker and I always get nostalgic going back to Texas A&M. So much of us is on that campus. It's where we met, it's where we fell in love, and it's where we got engaged. It's where our story began. Something about this trip was different though. We were still nostalgic and commented on every different landmark and its associated memory, but we really took it all in this time. This was our last football game for the next few years. This time next year, we won't be in Texas, and the luxury of getting to drive up to our alma mater will disappear. Our football stadium is getting a makeover for the 2014 season, so this was our last time in the old stadium. Our first date was in that stadium, and we can't wait to bring future little ones to the new stadium. 

Life is moving quickly, too quickly sometimes. We are growing up. Our lives are changing, and Parker and I are moving onto bigger things. One thing I can confidently say through all the uncertainties is that Texas A&M will always be our home. Aggieland will always hold a special place in our hearts. We will always bleed maroon.


  1. Awwww! That looks like a nice weekend.

  2. Congrats on the win & a wonderful weekend with your family :)

  3. I'm so glad they won for you! Whenever Ry and I make it back to Utah...seeing a game is at the top of our list. We bleed crimson! :)

  4. YAY! glad you got a win! College football isn't as big up on the east coast like it is down south. Probably because our college teams aren't that great.

  5. That is so sweet. Sometimes it's a little sad to see things around your college change. Glad you got to go to one last game in the old stadium and see the Aggies win!

  6. I live in El Paso and definitely didn't think UTEP would fare too well in the game haha.

  7. This is so sweet. I'm so glad ya'll were able to make it to one last game in Texas before they build a new stadium. I also love that you'll be able to take your children to the new one and tell them how you two met and fell in love on that campus. My parents took my siblings and me to their alma mater once and showed us all the places in their stories and I remember that I loved it. It's so special.

  8. this next chapter in life is going to be such a fun journey for y'all. I can just tell, the way y'all love each other and go after life - each new season will bring fantastic joys!

  9. So sweet and sentimental. That's so cool you guys can go back and visit where it all began!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  10. Glad you had such a wonderful and nostalgic weekend! Sounds like it was a great time especially stopping and "smelling the roses" (:

  11. Not gonna lie, this post made me tear up a bit towards the end of it :) In a happy nostalgic way of course.

  12. Aww your post made me all teary eyed! I definitely understand the nostalgia... As things are winding down at MSU I'm trying to soak in every last moment.

    It looks like you had a great weekend with your sisters! (I was even able to tell which was one your twin!)

  13. I LOVED how they did the field with the American flag and the helmets were bad a!!!

  14. I love reading your blog! You and your husband are so beautiful! My husband is swearing into the Navy less than a week from now, and I created this blog to connect more with myself and others who have spouses in the Military. Your wedding was amazing! I can't wait to read more from you!

    xoxo Summer!


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