DIY Invitation Ornament | Anchors Aweigh


December 5, 2013

DIY Invitation Ornament

Brides spend hours picking out the perfect wedding invitation. If you're like me, your groom couldn't have cared less (I don't even know that I showed it to him before ordering), but it was important to me. I love receiving wedding invitations from friends and family. Weddings are of course a blast, and invitations are usually a preview of the color scheme and style the wedding will have. I have saved some invitations I have received over the last couple of years and decided to get a little crafty. I loved the idea of making something out of the invitation to commemorate the special event around Christmas time. Thus, the invitation ornament was born.

The first one I made was for my twin sister. I gave it to her over Thanksgiving so she could display it on her Christmas tree this year vice having to wait until next year. The results turned out beautiful, and she just loved it!

Want to make one too? Here's what you need:

1 clear ornament with removable top
wedding invitation
ribbon (optional)
jute or twine for hanging (optional)
ribbon (optional)
monogram sticker (optional)

Cut your invitation into strips, line by line. Curl each strip around a pen or pencil. Place curled strips into the ornament. At this point, you can give the ornament as is and it will still be precious. I wanted to do a little extra, so I added a monogram sticker to the outside, tied ribbon around the ornament, and used a piece of jute to hang it. It's as simple as that!

This makes the perfect love gift for your recently married friends. I had most of the materials lying around from previous projects, so each ornament cost me about $1. I love giving special, sentimental gifts that won't break the bank, and this ornament was simply perfect. 


  1. This is a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing

  2. I saw something like this on Pinterest, and I think it's such a sweet little commemorative item! I'll definitely be doing this with our invites for next year!

  3. Love this idea! I actually just picked up a clear ornament and my husband laughed at me because of all my DIY projects :-P

    I got super frustrated during the wedding planning process because I could not find anything close to the invitations I was envisioning. So, I ended up making them myself and ordering all my supplies from Cards & Pockets and I love how they came out.

    So, I definitely would love to carry on the creativity into a Christmas ornament. Thanks so much for posting this!

  4. I seriously just collected everything to make this ornament for myself this year, even though we've been married for two years! Ahhhh! I can't wait to add it to my tree! Yours turned out fabulous.

  5. Wow!! So cool!! What a neat idea! I have so many leftover invitations! I can't wait to do this!! =D

  6. This is such cute idea! I'll have to make one next year since we don't have our invitations yet... and I just have to point out that that is due to my fiancé's pickiness! Haha he has had opinions on EVERYTHING wedding related.. it's kind of funny. I'd rather just elope in Vegas and keep it simple, and he wants to big show in front of everyone... slightly backwards around here. :-P

  7. This is such a neat idea! Thanks for sharing!

  8. This is such a cute idea!! Maybe one day if we have a big wedding I can use it. ;)

  9. My mom made one of these for us! We got it with the rest of our wedding gifts. It's so cute, but it doesn't have our initials on it.. Just the same! It takes up a lot of our mini tree though. Love making ornaments and things like this!

  10. I made this for my sister-in-laws one year anniversary. I thought it turned out so cute because they had such colorful invites!

  11. Such an awesome idea! I wish I would've remembered to SAVE the invitations to the weddings I attended this year. MUST remember this for next year :) Thanks for sharing!

  12. That is such a cute, simple and meaningful gift!

  13. Love it!
    Want to make it!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  14. This is so pretty! Do you give a full invitation with it too so the ornament doesn't have to be opened up?

  15. Oh wait. I get it. You're using old invites. Opps. Sorry! That makes so much more sense!

  16. I Actually Love this idea, as an invitation, but to send a legit invitation with it!

    I will have to keep this in mind!

  17. I've seen others do this and I think it's an awesome idea!!! Your invitations were cute! :-)

  18. Thank you so much for sharing this! I've been looking for a fun, wedding related ornament to make, and this looks so fun and simple. I'll be trying this out with one of our extra invitations!

  19. Super adorable! A friend of ours is having a baby soon and I was thinking about doing the same thing with their baby shower invitation.

  20. This is so cute! I have seen these before, but seeing this now reminds me that my brother might love one for Christmas! He just got married a few weeks ago so this Christmas we'll be celebrating with a newlywed couple-uh oh! Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Really cute! Pinned. Love your anchor theme. I sell anchor pillow cases on my easy:) Merry Christmas


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