It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like... | Anchors Aweigh


December 6, 2013

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

I don't think I'm alone in saying I love Christmas decorations. It became a daily chore for Parker to convince me not to put them up in early November. There is just something so magical about it all. Decorated Christmas trees with wrapped gifts for loved ones, stockings waiting to be filled with goodies (even for Jenny), garland lining staircases or furniture... it all just puts a smile on my face. I thought I would show off a few details from some of our favorite Christmas decorations.

We decided to do something a little different with our presents this year. I have always been big into pretty wrapping paper and giant handmade bows. Parker came up with a really neat idea to make the presents we give out a little more personal, and I was all over it. He saved all of the flight planning maps from this past year's flights in Pensacola and Kingsville. The maps and routes change, so these maps become obsolete pretty quickly. He started tossing them in a drawer this past summer with the idea that maybe we could wrap Christmas presents with them. It's so different, but I love that we went through with the idea. Instead of the giant bows I usually make, I went with a simple twine to complete the look. We love them!

Tis the season!


  1. Oh wow, my Nana had the exact Nativity Scene. :)
    -B ♡ MsBerryStylish 

  2. I love untraditional wrapping! What a great way to upcycle the maps :)

  3. LOVE the decor!! And LOVE the wrapping paper! I actually told Steven this year that I want to try and wrap everything using brown paper bags with pretty twine! We'll see! ;)

  4. Ohhh my gosh. The nutcrackers & the nativity are my favs! And using twine.. totally awesome. Love this so much!! =D

  5. Love your Christmas decorations! And ah Parker is so creative and environmentally conscious ;)

    - Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  6. YAY! Love your decorations, the nativity seen is classic. Great job;)

  7. LOVE the map idea! I showed it to Chris and he was like "Now that is COOL" Ha! :)

  8. OMG so cute!! Love putting up decorations!


  9. Cute idea for the wrapping paper! And your nativity is very pretty!

  10. I love the maps as wrapping paper! I actually decorated my dorm before Halloween. It was getting chilly and I needed to put my summer clothes in my car, so I had to bring my Christmas decorations in... Might as well decorate, right? :) I'll be taking them down next week when I move so I'm glad I put them up early

  11. The stocking for Jenny is ADORABLE!

    Happy Friday! :)

  12. There is something magical about having a decorated house! I love that y'all used the old maps for wrapping paper. It's so cute.

  13. I agree that there is something magical about this time of year - I love the decorations, the tree, the lights, the stockings, the presents, and being able to get together with loved ones! I love that Jenny has her own stocking! I also think it is so neat that you guys used old maps for wrapping paper! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :D

  14. Christmas is great! I absolutely love the maps as wrapping paper as well! Did you make the stockings?

  15. I haven't do anything yet. I need to get on it. Love the wrapping paper and nut crackers. Everything looks beautiful!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  16. Nick wraps almost all of his gifts the past two years in his nav maps! Must be a pilot thing ;)

  17. I absolutely love your decorations! :)

  18. I'm pretty much a huge grinch, so I don't even decorate, but I LOVELOVELOVE the way you wrapped presents this year! :)

  19. I'm visiting from Fun Friday, everything looks just gorgeous here!

  20. Your decortions are lovely!
    And Parker...brilliant wrapping idea!
    Merry Christmas!

  21. Love your nutcrackers, of course!! And the maps for wrapping paper...most clever idea of the year!! Twine was the perfect complement!:)

  22. Found ya via "follow friday" blog hop! Ahhh Love your wrapping paper!

    Katie @Owls & Monsters

  23. Such a cool idea with the maps! P. Phelps for the win!

  24. Your Christmas decor is beautiful! I know what you mean about wanting to get it up! We got our tree yesterday and decorated it and it seriously made me cry about how happy I was to have it up! Haha.

  25. I love the wrapping paper idea so cute!!

  26. Such a great idea for wrapping paper-- and you're saving the environment! Love your stockings!

    Stopping by from the link up!
    <3 Sarita it's my girls' world

  27. VERY cute decorations and I LOVE the gift wrap - such a neat idea! :)

  28. Everything is so pretty! Don't tell your husband I start decorating the middle of October!!! Merry Christmas!


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