Scenes From A Very Merry Christmas 2013 | Anchors Aweigh


December 31, 2013

Scenes From A Very Merry Christmas 2013

Hi friends! I took a small blogging hiatus this past week to really enjoy time with our families, and let's just say it's been wonderful. Sometimes it's good to just unplug and relax, and that is exactly what the Phelps trio has been doing. Christmas for us also translates to traveling, but it's a small price to pay to see the ones you love. We got to spend time with each of our families and are still on a high from how wonderful it's all been.

I am still working on getting back into a routine, but I wanted to share a few snapshots from our little Christmas as a family of 3. We always set aside a time to have Christmas as a trio before we jet set to be with family, and that usually means celebrating over a week early. Honestly, that is perfectly fine with me. As long as we get in that time together, I couldn't care less what date it is. Parker and I stuffed each other's stockings and of course stuffed Jenny's to the brim. She has been very good this year, after all!

We let Jenny "open" her stocking first. She received cheap-o toys since they will be destroyed in .5 seconds and a few tasty treats that brought out her gassy side. I think she'd say it was a productive stocking.

Parker graciously gave me a ped egg since I have the worst feet on the planet and a new season of Survivor to watch together. We are hooked, yall!

Parker finally received his Datevitation coupon book along with a few other goodies.

...And Jenny the toy hoarder is still having a very merry Christmas indeed.

Parker gave me a tripod for Christmas, so we tested it out and attempted to take a few family photos of our third married Christmas. We will need to practice with the whole tripod thing.

As this Christmas season comes to an end, we simply feel blessed. We loved giving goodies to each other and spending time with loved ones. We loved that a lot. But the best gift of all continues to be the gift of Christ, the whole reason we celebrate Christmas. We hope you had a blessed Christmas with the ones you love!


  1. It looks like a wonderful Chistmas!
    Happy New Year

  2. hi!
    would you follow earch others&
    let me know!

  3. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas together! So great! :)

  4. It looks like you had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!

  5. Hehehe, Scott got his coupon book too! Loved it! These pics of your little family are simply adorable. I have a ped egg!! Those things are the bommmmb. I have HORRIBLE dancer feet. They work great!! =D

  6. How awesome that you guys celebrate with just the three of you since you were with family on Christmas. What a wonderful idea!

  7. Lovely!! your photos are so special . such a great time to celebrate together!!

  8. I love the jammies! Looks like a fun time had by all!


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