Thanksgiving 2013... That's A Wrap! | Anchors Aweigh


December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013... That's A Wrap!

17 hours in the car, copious amounts of food consumed, and lots of hugs to go around... Thanksgiving 2013 was a success! Our Thanksgiving celebrations were really low key, and that is honestly all we wanted. Time with family and too much turkey stuffing and pie was just what the doctor ordered. Celebrating Thanksgiving twice means twice the amount of food consumed... I mean it would be rude to only eat once, right? ;) Needless to say, the half marathon training was less than enjoyable this past weekend.

My favorite part of Thanksgiving was simply sitting around the living room spending quality time with the people we love. The drive was fine and the food was delicious, but none of it compared to face to face conversation with our family. That's a rarity in the military world, so we savor it when it comes! We spent two days with Parker's family and two days with my family. It's honestly a little weird to say "Parker's family" and "my family" because I really just see it as "our family". Now, if "our family" decided to live in the same city, that would make holidays slightly easier, but we'll call living in the same state a win. :)  We decided to take Christmas pictures with each family, and of course being a blogger and picture fanatic, that was fine by me!

These people are one of the big reasons we have so much to be thankful for this year and always...

 I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have recovered from that turkey coma!


  1. Gosh!! Such a beautiful family! Both of them! Love all these pics! =)

  2. Oh my guys are all so dang picture-perfect! Adorable :)

  3. These family photos are too cute. You have two gorgeous families. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. These family photos are too cute. You have two gorgeous families. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  5. These pictures are absolutely beautiful! This sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving. I love that Thanksgiving is a fairly low-key holiday that centers around simply spending time with people you love.

  6. AHHH I love that dress!! Where did you get it?!?!?!

  7. Beautiful family pictures Chelsea!!

    - Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  8. Glad you had a happy Thanksgiving with your family! :)

  9. absolutely loving your family photos! so cute!!
    (and uh your stripe dress = in love with it!)
    sounds like y'all had a great time and made new memories! yay!

  10. Your (both sides)family isn't beautiful or anything. Love this!

  11. I love all of these photos! So lovely!

  12. I think I said this before but you have a beautiful family!! I can see the love in every picture!

  13. Such lovely photos! That's great that you guys were able to spend Thanksgiving with both of your families.

  14. awesome pics. so are the other 2 chicks twins. the ones in the front.

  15. These photos are just gorgeous! What beautiful families. :)

  16. Your pictures are just darling! Your families look so happy!

  17. Your pictures are adorable! Looks like you all had a great and enjoyable holiday!

  18. Glad to hear that y'all had such an amazing Thanksgiving! I know exactly what you mean about the feeling you get from spending time with family :)

  19. Looks like you had two fabulous thanksgivings!!!! Your family pictures look so great! :-)

  20. Beautiful! All of the pictures are fantastic!!

  21. I'm glad you had such a great holiday. All the pictures are adorable!


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