That Was Rough... Our First Vlog | Anchors Aweigh


December 20, 2013

That Was Rough... Our First Vlog

When Karla at Forever Newly Wedded came up with the Newlywed Game, Christmas Edition, I was all in. Parker and I have never played any version of the Newlywed Game together, so I thought it would be really interesting to see how well we did. I decided to take it one step further and make a video of us answering the questions. Hindsight is 20/20, but we should really leave the video making to the pros. Our first Vlog was a little rough, to say the least. We did one take, laughed at how terrible we were, and decided to publish it as is. So without further ado, here is a video of Parker and me attempting to play the Newlywed Game, Christmas Edition!

A couple of things to note...

- We filmed this on my laptop, so excuse the audio and video being a little off.
- We filmed this at my parents' house, so excuse the intermittent cameos from my dad and family dog.
- We hit "film" and just started talking. No practicing beforehand was involved, which is extremely evident.

If you made it through that 8 minutes of organized chaos, kudos to you! Obviously Parker and I need to go on a Christmas-themed first date and get to know each other. Thanks to Karla for such a fun idea, and thanks to Parker for so willingly participating!

Happy Friday!!


  1. Loved it! That was highly entertaining. I loved how your dad says, "I don't want anything to come between you and your blog." I feel like my family is always saying stuff along those lines! haha!

  2. It won't let me watch it at work :(. Sad day! I'll have to come back later and check it out!

  3. Thanks for adding the video...y'all are hilarious! Loved, loved, loved your dad's interjections - it definitely added to the vlog :).

  4. That's so cute. I couldn't help but smile while watching.

  5. :) thanks for sharing...I laughed and smiled so much!

  6. THIS was awesome!!! You guys are so hilarious!!! I'm so jealous you're wearing shorts! Gosh I loved this so much!!!! Thank you!!!! =D =D =D

  7. Love that you sing happy birthday to Jesus. That's awesome.

    Also, your husband is quite the trooper and hilarious! Love the video! So glad yall linked up with me and karla!

  8. I love this! It's always so strange when you first hear a blogger's voice. You should definitely do more vlogs! :)

    And I love your dad's comments about the blog. My family is the same way about my blog! When I was watching this, I was in the living room so I had to explain to my mom what a vlog is and how I know you (Blogging BFFs duh!)

  9. OMG!!!! This. Was. Amazing! haha! The End!

  10. Love the new look of the blog and the vlog! I feel like I know you guys a little bit more. And I totally knew you would write "baby" underneath the Christmas tree hahaha!

    - Alex @ Radiating Sunshine

  11. Your dad cracks me up. "You blog about everything!"

    Parker was too funny and such a trooper! It was so fun getting to watch you two together! Now maybe Ryan and I will have to...

  12. Parker is such a sport!! I love your Dad in the background, "She blogs about everything"!

  13. This was so fun! It is nice to see the people behind the blog!

  14. Haha. I love this! I giggled through the entire video. Your dad's comments were great. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Your dad cracked me up! Great video! This makes me want to test my husbands knowledge ha

  16. This was so cute!!! And your dad's comments made me giggle. Merry Christmas!

  17. You two are cute :) Now I have a voice to the faces. And your dad coming in was funny! How fun and thank you for sharing!


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