The Boy Behind The Blog: Christmas Edition | Anchors Aweigh


December 19, 2013

The Boy Behind The Blog: Christmas Edition

It's time for another round of questions for the boy behind the blog, and Parker has so graciously agreed to participate again. Last one of the year!

Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in blue):

1. What is your favorite cereal?
I don't have a particular favorite, but I do enjoy eating Frosted Shredded Mini Wheats, Resses Puffs,  Oh's, and Honey Bunches of Oats or its derivatives. 
Parker and I are big cereal people and eat it pretty much every morning, so we like to mix it up from week to week.

2. Pancakes or waffles?
I have a waffle maker we received for our wedding that has gone predominantly unused... Oops.

3. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Eating meals during the holidays with family
Truth! What's better than food and family?

4. Finish the sentence: All I want for Christmas is...
An official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
If you are familiar with the movie A Christmas Story, you probably recognized this quote right away. Is it terrible that I have never seen that movie? One day!

5. What was your best moment of 2013?
Every morning I got to wake up and snuggle my two girls
For the record, the second girl is the Jen pup ;)

That's all for now! Happy Thursday!


  1. Omgosh what a cute pic!

    This is why I've always said that when I get married, I'll ask for money instead of gifts. I wouldn't want to end up with a waffle maker and not use it at all either! :)

  2. LOVE this! And I've never seen A Christmas Story either! I definitely want to though, since everyone always rants and raves about it!

  3. Hahaha, Parker, you have me lost on #4! Sounds like another language to me!! Hahaha. I have so loved reading these answers each time.

    One of my new years resolutions last year was to actually use all of our unique kitchen appliances that we got as wedding gifts and never used. The waffle maker was first to be used on New Years Day, and we've used it almost every weekend since! (But I'll always be a pancake girl!)

  4. Such a sweet answer to number five. Your little family is adorable. :)

    P.S. I was lost on number four, too. Lol.


  5. It's ok as I've never seen the movie either.

  6. Aww! I love his answer about snuggling with you and Jenny!

  7. so neat he answered these questions - so cool to hear from the boy behind the blog :)

  8. I've never seen A Christmas Story either--I love his answer to number 5!!

  9. {Visiting from the BBB link up} LOVE answer #4!! Witty perfection for that question :) So great that his favorite moment is waking up next to you and Jen pup each morning!! Wishing the 3 of you a very merry Christmas!! :)

  10. We received a waffle maker for our wedding that barely gets any use either! But did you know apparently it's a great device for making hash browns in? I have yet to try it but it sounds pretty genius!

  11. We love our waffle maker! Breakfast for dinner is on the menu a LOT!

  12. Funny, because that's exactly what I want for Christmas too!I love how that movie plays on repeat all day on Christmas... How can you miss it?
    the way to my Hart

  13. I LOVE A Christmas Story! TBS shows it for 24 hours and my family watches it at least 2 or 3 times. It's a tradition!

  14. How could you not use that waffle maker!? Word on the street is that waffles are amazing with vanilla icecream.

    The picture of the three of you is just so sweet!

    Us On Cloud 9

  15. I just got rid of our waffle maker. That we got as a wedding gift nearly eight years ago and NEVER used!

  16. He's too cute!!
    I want a waffle maker SO bad! The problem is I will eat waffles everyday!


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