2013 Year In Review | Anchors Aweigh


January 1, 2014

2013 Year In Review

Can yall believe it's already 2014? 2013 feels like it flew by, but it was jam packed with memories and experiences we will cherish forever. I feel like this is where having a blog really comes in handy. So much happened this year that it's hard to keep track, so it's nice to have this little slice of the Internet to look back on it all. 2013 was a good one, I'll say that much! Let's break it down:

In January, we celebrated 1 year of living in Florida! We miss Pensacola and the friends we made there so much. The Navy definitely spoiled us with that one!

In February, I got to celebrate my birthday with my twin and family in Texas! My twin sister and I have never spent a birthday apart, and we weren't about to start this year! Parker and I also had a nice, low-key Valentine's Day with our favorite furball.

In March, we went wine tasting and boating. Both were newer experiences for us, but both were so much fun! We learned you should eat a meal before consuming that much wine and that Jenny hates boats. We'll call March a learning experience. We also celebrated Easter in Florida with a few friends.

April brought a huge Navy milestone when Parker completed primary training and selected tailhook, meaning we would be moving to Kingsville, Tx! We celebrated Aggie Muster, one of our favorite traditions from our alma mater, with the Emerald Coast Aggies in Pensacola and enjoyed our last weekend living in Florida. Living in Florida was such a neat experience, and we always say we would jump on an opportunity to go back!

In May, we made the big move back to Texas! I can't tell you how good it felt to be back on Texas soil. No matter how many times we move, Texas will always be our home. This also marked the beginning of summer and a slew of weekend road trips. We spent a weekend in San Antonio and Memorial Day at the ranch!

In June, Parker and I celebrated two years of being married! We did a weekend getaway in Fredericksburg, which was probably my favorite trip we took all year. I want to go back! Parker also had a birthday that Jenny and I loved celebrating!

We had a couple of other weekend trips in July, but one of my favorite things we did this summer was paddle boarding! Those were also the worst sunburns we got all year. Highs and lows, friends. July was also a huge month for little Jenny! Our furball turned 3!

In August, Parker and I decided to adopt a child in Kenya through sponsorship with Compassion International. Little Faith has been a great blessing in our lives. I also had a half-birthday, which I really think should be a real thing. Parker had his first solo in the T-45 as well!

We made a trip up to Oklahoma to see two of our favorite people get married in September. Jenny also debuted her love for babies in September at a family get together. She's going to be the best furry sister!

Parker and I went to our 7th Navy Ball together in October. Have we really been together that long?

November was perfection. We drove up to see one last football game in Aggieland during our time in Texas. We also got to show my parents around Kingsville when they stayed with us for a weekend. I finally got to see Parker fly in person, and we wore matching flight suits the next day for spouse day. And of course, there was Thanksgiving. Our lives in the Navy took a different turn than we had originally planned with his selection just before Thanksgiving, but we were reminded that God has the perfect plan for our lives. I'll say it again. November was perfection.

December was a milestone for this little blog- Anchors Aweigh turned 1! Other than that, we spent the month getting excited about Christmas and spending time with family for the holidays.

As we head out of 2013 and into the new year, I just feel excited. I am excited to see what the military has in store for us as we prepare for our next cross country move. I am excited to make more memories with friends and family that we love. More importantly though, I am excited to see God's plans for us unveiled in 2014. I have no idea what He has in store for us, but I am excited and anxious to find out.



  1. What a wonderful year you had!
    I wish you another great one in 2014! Hugs

  2. A very Happy New Year to you!! 2013 looked perfect!

  3. Happy New Year! I'm so excited to see what God has in store for you and Parker in 2014!

  4. Happy New Year! I'm so excited to see what God has in store for you and Parker in 2014!

  5. Seems like you had a great year! I hope 2014 is good to you as well! :)

  6. I too love having this little place on the internet to come back and reflect on the past year. Wish you guys were still here in FL though.

    Happy New Year! :)

  7. You had a busy year! Wishing the best for you both in 2014!

  8. Great recap. :) You guys are an adorable couple!

  9. What a wonderful!! I have so much enjoyed following along with y'all and can't wait to see what 2014 has in store!

  10. What a wonderful year you guys had! I hope 2014 is just as great for you! :)

    Janelle @ Wild Blue Yonder

  11. What a fun and wonderful year you guys had!! I can't wait to see what 2014 brings you :)


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