A Promotion | Anchors Aweigh


January 20, 2014

A Promotion

This past Tuesday was a special day for the Phelps duo: Parker received his first promotion! He is now a Lieutenant Junior Grade, or LTJG for short. I couldn't be prouder! This promotion marks 2 years since Parker commissioned into the Navy. Wait, what?! Has it really been that long? It seems like Parker was just commissioning and we were happily moving our little selves to our first duty station, Pensacola, Fl. So much has happened in the last 2 years, and we are so thankful for the opportunities the Navy has allowed us. We love to travel, we love to explore new places- really, we just love the adventure of it all.

I know some people don't enjoy the military life, and it's definitely not for everyone, but this lifestyle has given us so many wonderful opportunities. I look at some the close friends we have made over the last two years, literally spread out across the country, and can't imagine not having these wonderful people in our lives. The Navy's been a great thing for us these past 2 years, and with 2 more moves in 2014 alone, these next couple of years should be exciting!

The promotion ceremony was short and sweet- that's my kind of ceremony! Kidding, kind of. LtCol Shoeman (head of Parker's squadron) said a few words about Parker, had him recite the oath he took when he commissioned, and then pinned on the new ranks. LtCol Shoeman was really great about letting me be a part of the ceremony. He didn't have to do that at all, but he made sure I got to help pin the ranks on and had me sit front and center. He even took time out of the ceremony to address me directly and thank me for supporting Parker. I didn't need or deserve any special recognition, but it was really kind of him to let me feel a part of the ceremony. Parker said a few words at the end to thank his instructors for all of their hard work, and that was a wrap!

These first 2 years have been pretty fantastic. Getting to stand by Parker's side as he serves our country can only be described as a blessing. He loves this life, I love this life, and we can't wait to see what the future holds. 2 years down, ??? to go! Let's see what that LTJG life has in store for us :)


  1. Congratulations!
    Wonderful pictures.

  2. Congrats!!! Thank you to Parker for serving, and to you for being there to support him!

  3. Congratulations to your husband, Chelsea! It's so exciting to see our men succeed at what they love, isn't it?! :)

  4. Yaaaaay Parker!! I'm so excited that Parker was given a promotion for his hard work and dedication but more importantly, I'm thankful for his service to our country and for protecting my Freedom. And how awesome that you were able to be a part of the ceremony! I think that is pretty darn cool, especially because military wives do a lot in order to support their husbands and it totally shows in this post. Your support is inspirational! XO

  5. Congrats to Parker again!!! So exciting!! =D

  6. Congrats to you and Parker! I can totally relate to what you said about the military lifestyle giving you so many wonderful opportunities, including meeting so many wonderful people. I have met some of the best people through hockey.

  7. Congratulations Parker!!! And to you-- I'm sure you're really proud of him :) You do a great job of supporting your husband!

  8. Congratulations to Parker! I hope you guys have a fun Wetting Down planned!! :)

  9. Congrats! He looks super happy :) And you are right, military life is definitely not for everyone and I love how supportive you seem to be! I know how hard it can be sometimes, my own husband just celebrated his 10 year mark of being in the Navy last month eep!

  10. Congratulations to Parker (and to you!!!). What an honor. :-)

  11. Congratulations! So cool you got to help pin him. That's something I would totally be in to.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  12. Congrats to Parker! I am so glad everything is going so well for y'all :)

  13. Congratulations! That next rank is always an exciting milestone. Being enlisted, ours have come much faster, but then again-officers make more ;).

    Good luck with 2014 and all the change, excitement, and fun I'm sure you'll have!

    My Wholesome Home

  14. Congrats to Parker! And you! Because we both understand the importance of our role with them and supporting them. Nick promoted in May and I love that they let us be a part of it all. Nick promoted with tons of people but they let all the guys with significant others go first while their superiors took our camera to take pictures. Makes me more proud to be a part of it and have their superiors recognize us. Glad you got to be a part of it!!

  15. Congrats to Parker on the big milestone! And yay for you being there to support him!

  16. Congrats to Parker...and to you for being such a great support system to him!!

  17. Congratulations! That is so exciting.

  18. Congratulations to Parker AND to you as his wife! That's exciting! The time that I was able to be part of the military along side my husband, I have enjoyed it! We have until late 2015 until we are "cut off" from benefits and such. But it has been a pleasure! Man I remember trying to learn all those acronyms! haha!
    So happy for you two!

  19. Congrats Parker!! Thank you for your service!! We couldn't have the lives we do if not for your (and thousands of other men & women's) service!

  20. Yay congrats Parker! That is so exciting! That's also super awesome that you were able to be a part of the ceremony too!!

  21. Playing catch up with my blog feed so I'm sorry this is late but CONGRATULATIONS to Parker AND you! :) xo

  22. Oh my goodness this has me crying (hot mess as always). Congrats to Parker and you!!!


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