An Eventful 2 Week Hiatus | Anchors Aweigh


January 3, 2014

An Eventful 2 Week Hiatus

I love this blog. I love the place where I get to share my thoughts, my faith, and my life with family and friends all over the world. I truly love writing blog posts and interacting with so many wonderful people every day, but when Christmas rolled around, I needed a break. I was ready for a break from everything, really. I took almost 2 weeks off work, 2 weeks off cooking, and almost 2 weeks off from blogging. About the only productive thing I kept up during those two weeks was running, and we can thank the looming half marathon for that. The break was EXACTLY what I needed. I got to sit back, relax, and reconnect with family.

Now that we are back in Kingsville and back into our little routine, I realize just how much has happened in the last couple of weeks! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen some of what's been going on.

For starters, we bought a car! Parker and I were so excited to make our first big adult purchase and absolutely love the new wheels. After a lot of research (thanks Parker, I couldn't have been less helpful with that), we decided to go with the Honda CRV. We hope to have this car for a long time and think it will be perfect for a growing family in the next few years. 

I mentioned earlier that the one productive thing I managed to keep up with was running over the break. Half-marathon training is going well, and my twin sister and I got to get in a long run together. It's amazing how much easier it is to run with a buddy vice running alone. Danielle and I have both been training separately since we live apart, and we come together and run when we can. So far, we have gotten to run together twice and will likely meet up for one more before the big race. We ran 6 miles together and felt great! Training has already been such a huge accomplishment for two people who largely prefer sitting on the couch to running in the cold. I can actually say it has been somewhat enjoyable! Here we are after conquering 6 miles a few days before Christmas.

Let's not forget about the Jen pup! Jenny had a great two weeks, but I think she was the most ready of the three of us to be back in Kingsville. That pup thrives on a routine and was a little off her rocker those last couple of days. She got in lots of play time and bunny rabbit chasing while we were away, though! My heart melted when we captured this shot of she and her cousin Sully taking a nice pupper nap together.

New Years Eve was spent with my family watching the Aggies take the Chick fil A bowl over Duke. It was such a nail biter and really wasn't looking good for Texas A&M, but the Ags pulled through for a 52-48 victory over Duke. Family, pizza, wine, and Aggie football are how we spent our New Years Eve, and it was perfection. The bar thing just isn't our scene, so we loved our low-key evening! Happy New Year from the Phelps trio!


  1. blog breaks are so necessary! I'm probably about to take one myself in the near future.

    Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. :)

  2. There are not enough words to tell you how happy I am that the Aggies beat Duke. Seriously.

    Also, love the car! So glad you kept up with the running, even when it got cold. I know I've been avoiding it for about three weeks now.

  3. sounds like you had a fun (but busy!) Christmas season!
    girl it is a-ok to take some time away from blogging (we all need it!)
    also LOVE the new car (and your dress!)

  4. Girl, I feel ya on the blog break! I took one over Christmas too. Sometimes you just need to ha ha.
    Sounds like a lot of wonderful things have happened! Congrats on the cute new car! I just love that picture of Jenny and Sully :D

  5. Sometimes a break is much needed and it sounds like you were definitely keeping busy :) congratulations on the new car! What a huge and exciting accomplishment to start off the new year!

  6. I think you've convinced me on the Honda CR-V. I had thought about getting a Ford Escape but they're SO expensive and I can get a used Honda CR-V (in good condition) for less than the Ford Escape, so.... we might be car twins in the future!

  7. It sounds like you have had a wonderful couple of weeks! I'm so glad you took some time to relax! :)

  8. Happy New Year!! I agree the bar was the last place I wanted to be on NYE!

  9. I found your blog via the Fantastic Friday link-up! I love that striped dress you are wearing in the first picture--it looks so cute but comfy, too!

  10. Glad to have you back! Nice ride!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  11. Aww! It looks like it was a WONDERFUL break! :) Yea for the new car! :) It is so cute! :) Hope that you are settling back into the routine well! LOVE your blog posts! :)
    :) Happy new year friend!
    :) Rebecca

  12. Oh my gosh - wasn't it such an awesome game?!?! Not counting the first half of course. That was pretty ugly. I somehow managed to stay halfway calm (I'm normally NOT a calm football fan), and didn't throw myself into labor for the wild second half!

    Glad you guys had a good Christmas and New Years! I hope 2014 is a great one for y'all!

  13. How awesome that you got such a great break! We have a Honda CRV and love it! What a great pick. :-)

  14. Congratulations on the new car!

  15. Yay for a new car! We are looking to get my husband a CRV by the end of the year. :)

  16. A new car! 6 miles! I am a lazy run hater, so I would have driven the 6 miles in the new car ;) ...

  17. Glad you enjoyed some wonderful time with family! Love your new car. Congrats on running 6 miles! Wooo :)
    Is this your first half? I ran my first at the end of Summer, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Happy New Year!

  18. I love your new car!! Glad you had a nice blogging break, but even happier you're back. :) Happy New Year!

  19. I love blogging breaks b/c it gives me a time to reconnect. Except I took a break from running too. Need to get back on the horse. ugh!! Love the new car too.

  20. Looks like you guys have been busy and have had a really lovely time! Breaks are so good to take, but I agree, I just love blogging so it can be hard, but so good for us to do! So glad you are back though! ;)


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