Half Marathon Training: Halfway There | Anchors Aweigh


January 9, 2014

Half Marathon Training: Halfway There

Whoaaa we're halfway there! I hope you sang that first sentence like I did when I typed it. Thanks Bon Jovi. Anyway, as many of you know, my twin sister (Danielle) and I are training for a half marathon. It's something I always imagined I would do as a deployment distraction, but there is no time like the present! We just recently passed the halfway point of training, so I thought I would check in and give a little update on how it's been going.

Training has gone surprisingly well! I run three times a week, two "short" runs and one "long" run. For example, last week I did two 3.5 mile runs and one 7 mile run. The shorter runs are not too bad. The hardest part is getting my rear end out the door to actually run. Once I'm outside, I'm good. The weather greatly dictates my motivation, as silly as that sounds. If it's a beautiful day outside, running almost sounds enjoyable, and I am happy to get out there. If it feels like the arctic tundra with a nice cold rain, I stare out the window and contemplate how to spend my last hour of life because I surely know I will die out there if I have to run. Drama drama drama. Thankfully, Danielle and I have each other for extra motivation. Having someone to go on this journey with makes it so much better. Grab your nearest twin and train for a half marathon together. It's a great bonding experience, as if we weren't already bonded enough.

Finishing a long run and conquering a new milestone is the best feeling. I had never run more than about 3.5 miles when I started training, so each week for the past few weeks has been a new record for me. My favorite run to date has been the 5.5 miles. I finished with the biggest smile on my face and was so full of joy. I loved that feeling- it was worth every second of sweat and joint pain.

 Post run selfies- so glamorous!

Oh yeah, joint pain... that has been my biggest obstacle thus far. I was fine until a few weeks ago when I started getting upwards of 5 miles. My knees and ankles just aren't used to such impact, and it's been really tough to keep going sometimes. I've tried to be smart and ice my joints afterwards if I am in pain, but the best thing I can do is to stop running on concrete. We don't have any nice trails in my area, but there is a track. Now, running 30 laps on a track sounds pretty miserable, but it is so much easier on my joints, so it's worth it. The hardest part about the joint pain is it is something I can't control. I can make sure I am eating right, make sure I am stretching, and keep myself motivated when I get tired and want to stop. Those are all factors in my control. Getting injured is outside of my control, so I am trying to be smart and praying that I don't get hurt.

Honestly, I am just ready to run the thing. I told Danielle I wish the race was only a couple weeks away so we could just do it already. We feel ready. We feel prepared. We feel like we can do it. We still have a little less than 2 months to go before the big day, so we have to stay disciplined and keep training. Our biggest motto throughout this entire experience has been "Trust the process". It's worked so far, and I trust we will be very ready come race day in March. I can't wait! 13.1, here we come!


  1. It sounds like your training is coming right along! What day is your race?

    Good luck with the second half of training!

  2. Yes!! You're doing so awesome! When is the race? So excited for you! What a huge accomplishment =)

  3. You are doing so great!! way to go and keep on truckin!

  4. Woohoo! How exciting! I will be starting my half marathon training shortly for my first half :)♥ Good luck with your second half of training, which race are you running?

  5. I remember running my first 1/2 and the feeling after is awesome!! I would try foam rolling and using the stick, if you haven't already. They're awesome after long runs, and any run for that matter! Also, compression socks will help in the recovery of runs.

  6. That is so exciting! What app do you use to track your runs?

  7. This is awesome! Congrats on your progress, I've probably only collectively ran 10 miles in my life.

  8. You're doing so great! I hope the rest of your training goes well.

  9. Seriously doesn't that Bon Jovi song just go with anything? LOL I totally sang along. Amazing work with your training, keep it up! I've never even run a 5K race before but it's on my bucket list! Maybe after this babe is born...

    PS - I nominated you for a Liebster Award on my blog yesterday! :-)

  10. I'm so glad your training is going so well!!! You're doing awesome! And it's also SO GOOD that you're being wise about your joint pain. Injurys are the worst!

  11. Y'all are doing awesome!!! Can't wait to watch the progress. Yes please don't get hurt it is super hard to bounce back from not like I know from experience or anything :)

  12. You are so motivated! Keep at it!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. Woo hoo! You are doing amazing! I have my 3rd half this Saturday and I can't wait.

  14. Looks like you are keeping right on track. I have knee problems too. I take an ibuprophen before I run and use icy hot as well as all the things you mentioned. I also notice I dramatic difference when I do yoga and a lot of stretching. If you have access to a gym, an elliptical or bike is also a good idea on your lower mileage days once in a while because they are lower impact. And someone also mentioned the roller/stick which are awesome for everything!

  15. you're amazing! I would be so intimidated by such a huge goal - I love it!

  16. What a great way to pass the time...1/2 marathon training! Good luck on the race and I hope the joint pain gets better.

  17. Joint pain when running is always my biggest obstacle too. I'm just getting back into running after nearly 2 months out because of surgery and flying to the frigid north for the holidays. It's wreaking havoc on my knees, but for me, I know I just have to push through it for a couple weeks while I get back into the groove.

    I hope your pain eases as your body adjusts to the distances you're running!!

    My Wholesome Home

  18. I'm a new follower from the Friday Link Up! Go You! I'm so jealous, I haven't started my training yet, but hoping to soon!

    Glad to have found your blog!

  19. woooow! you go girl! i am so jealous lol!

  20. I'm soooo very poud you girls!!!! "To infinity and beyond"! ("Toy Story" theme- lol)

  21. girl you are keeping around a 10:21 pace for AN HOUR! get it!
    you are so inspirational!

  22. Hi! I'm visiting from The Lady Okie's link up and have no clue if I'm doing this right!

    Anyway, get it girl! I just did my first half last October. It is such a rewarding, fun, horrible, painful, blissful experience! It's even better that you get to train with your twin and hold each other accountable.

    Have you been fitted for proper shoes? That may have something to do with your joint pain. I can always tell when I need new shoes by the way my body is starting to feel in the miles. Either way, keep it up and good luck!

  23. Hi! I'm visiting from The Lady Okie's link up and have no clue if I'm doing this right!

    Anyway, get it girl! I just did my first half last October. It is such a rewarding, fun, horrible, painful, blissful experience! It's even better that you get to train with your twin and hold each other accountable.

    Have you been fitted for proper shoes? That may have something to do with your joint pain. I can always tell when I need new shoes by the way my body is starting to feel in the miles. Either way, keep it up and good luck!

  24. I'm so jealous! I have always wanted a twin :) You're going to do so great on your half. Just keep it up!


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