Weekend Things | Anchors Aweigh


January 13, 2014

Weekend Things

Monday Funday! This weekend went by way too quickly, but honestly, I can't remember the last time I didn't think that. The Phelps trio took it easy and spent time together as our little family of three. We have been so excited for a simple evening of dinner and a movie- it might sound boring, but that's our cup of tea! We saw the movie Her this past weekend, and we couldn't stop talking about it. You know a movie is good when you are thinking about it days later. It was raw, emotional, awkward, and fascinating all at the same time. Parker gave it a 10, and we hardly ever give movies a 10. We thought the film did a great job illustrating what our world could look like as technology continues to evolve, but it also conveyed the constant need for people to feel connected. I've never seen a movie like it, and we loved it. The next movie on our agenda is Lone Survivor- we've read the book, and I'll have a box of tissues on hand when I start ugly crying in the middle of the theater.

We also took advantage of the BEAUTIFUL weather we had this weekend and took a nature walk with the pup. Yall, it was in the 70's and gorgeous in south Texas. We were making excuses all weekend to be outside. I even suggested that we he go hit golf balls, something I usually only halfheartedly agree to take part in.

In other news, Jenny is now taking applications for new people. After being forced to go to the vet and take a bath all in the same week, I think we've officially angered her. Kidding of course, but this face was even worse than her usually unimpressed expression.

And I will leave you with this lovely image. Parker and I decided to split an entree at a Chinese restaurant so we wouldn't have tons of leftovers. Apparently this is what splitting an entree looks like. No wonder Corpus Christi is the fattest city in America. I get it.

Have a great week, friends!!


  1. Oh that look on your puppy's face! And I know what you mean about servings at restaurants being ridiculous, I can eat a lot but I almost always end up bringing leftovers home. Enjoy your Monday!


  2. Poor Jenny...hee hee.
    THAT is a lot of food, wow!
    Have a great week.

  3. Oh my goodness, Jenny looks so MAD! Haha and I know what you mean about the food! Ryan and I honeymooned in Quebec City where they had European portions (read: normal), and it was so refreshing!

  4. I just love low-key weekends like this! Poor Jenny, though. At least she got to do some exploring on that nature walk! :)

    I'll have to check out that movie. I've heard Lone Survivor is so good! I must make it to the theater more often...I must!

  5. Bahaha, that face!! And PS.. you can bottle up that sunny Texas weather and send it up to CT whenever you like. =D

  6. Aww, Jenny looks so upset. My dogs felt the same way this past week but they give you the sad puppy dog face like "Please don't make me do this"

  7. I can see how Her would be so interesting to see-- glad to hear you liked it so much! Adorable pictures of you guys + your pup!

    Carly | carly blogs here

  8. I am extremely jealous you are wearing shorts.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  9. The food looks SO good! And it sounded like a great weekend! Now that's my kind of weekend!

  10. THat look on your dogs face just cracks me up! That food looks fantastic but oh so filling! Glad you guys had a great weekend!

  11. I would love 70 degree temps. It's been in the 40s here, but hey, I'll take it!

    Looks like you had a great weekend :)

  12. Sounds like a great weekend! I'm super jealous of your warm weather!!!

  13. LOVED Her. Like I didn't want it to end. And now I want to go see it again. I also saw Lone Survivor this weekend. I went in feeling prepared to see some tough stuff, and was totally cry-free until the end when they showed the real people. Ugh.

    Glad you had a great weekend :)

  14. Poor Jenny! She looks like our Emma when she is mad at us too haha.

  15. Awww ya'll are too cute, love your pup! Adorable blog.

    New follower here from:

  16. hahaha Jenny's face is awesome. A pup's life is rough business. You've also made me curious to see Her whereas I wasn't too interested in seeing it before. If you like it then I probably will too. And I'm with Ashley, I didn't cry or get teary eyed during Lone Survivor until right at the end but it was sooo good!

    Glad you guys had a fun-filled, relaxing weekend! Those are the best kinds! :)

  17. I want to see both of those movies. I am so going to ugly cry for Lone Survivor...I will probably wear a hoodie so I can wipe and hide my face.

  18. Her seems like a really interesting movie, we've seen previews but I don't know if we will try to see it in the theater. BUT we do want to go watch Lone Survivor this weekend! I don't want to ugly cry though.. Ha ha!
    I love that picture of Jenny, she is too cute! Even when she isn't happy!


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