This was our first weekend in our new town that wasn't spent unpacking or traveling to see family, and it was much needed. Sleeping in and having breakfast at noon is hard to beat, and that's exactly how our Saturday went down.
We spent a lot of the weekend hanging out with old and new friends, that is when we weren't oversleeping and watching Downton Abbey like it's our job. We just started that show, and we are hooked. Believe it or not, Parker is actually the one who initially wanted to watch it. Now we both love it and highly recommend it if you're looking for a new show to get into.
Saturday was National Margarita Day (who makes up these holidays, really?), so we treated ourselves to our favorite frozen beverage. That was about as active as it got on Saturday. I was still recovering from my 10 mile run earlier that week, so productivity was on the back burner. Speaking of the 10 miler, getting through that run was definitely a milestone. It was my last long run before the half marathon, signifying I had made it through this tiring training process. Pretty cool moment :)
Due to the picture on the left, I thought the picture on the right was well deserved. We'll go with it.
In other news, we finally saw Lone Survivor. We went with some friends, so I apologized beforehand for getting emotional and making everyone around me uncomfortable. To my surprise though, I didn't bawl my eyes out. It's hard to explain, but the movie was so intense that I didn't really have time to get emotional. I am usually really fidgety in movies because I can't get comfortable, but I stayed still the entire time. It was a raw and real depiction of something that actually happened. I thought it was really well cast and very well done. Parker and I had already read the book together, and with the exception of a couple of details towards the end, the movie followed the book very closely. Even if you have seen the movie, I still highly recommend reading the book. I teared up at the end when they showed the real heroes of Operation Red Wings, but how could you not? So thankful for all of those who serve our country.
And a weekend update wouldn't be complete without a little news on our favorite pup. Jenny pretty much looked like this all weekend. She is still recovering from the great rabbit chase of 2014 that she is lucky to have survived, but that's another story for another day.
We hope you all had a great weekend! I spent mine with this guy, so no complaints here!

Sounds like a pretty great weekend! Congrats! :) And how perfect that it was National Margarita Day?! And kudos to you for that 10 mile run! Such a huge accomplishment!
It sounds like you had a great weekend. I'm so jealous that you slept in and had breakfast at noon!
What a great weekend you had! :)
I completely missed Margarita day :( but I probably didn't deserve it because I could absolutely never run 10 miles without alerting a hospital
You guys are so sweet it makes me teeth hurt. :) Sounds like a great weekend! I'm so behind on Season 4 of Downton, but I now have the DVDs so someday I'll have a total veg fest.
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
I felt the same way about Lone Survivor - I was totally into it the entire time, without tears...until they showed the actual people. Glad you had a great first weekend :)
Sounds like a pretty great weekend!
Congrats on your ten mile run!!! Your half is coming up so soon, and I'm sure you'll rock it! Your pace is really good! :)
I'm glad you had a nice weekend relaxing! That's exactly what I did over the weekend, too. And congrats on your 10 miler!
How do you like living there so far? I spent summers there as a kid! :) My hometown is like three or four hours away from there!
sounds like a good weekend. great pics. although the one of jenny broke my heart.what happened love?
have a great week girl.
Good job on the 10mi run. I can barely do 10km without huffing and puffing.
Booze is always justified, 10mi run or not ;)
Congrats on being on the downhill side of training! Those long runs during training can be brutal!
Good job on running that 10mile! I'm slowly working my way up to being able to run that long! Looks like you had a really great weekend. I'm glad you got some time to relax and enjoy yourself.
10 miles in an hour and a half?!?!?!?! YOU ARE A BEAST!!!! I didn't cry as much during the Lone Survivor as I thought I would either. PS Please go eat at Landry's for me since y'all now live in Corpus :)
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