The Anatomy of a Recipe Post | Anchors Aweigh


February 27, 2014

The Anatomy of a Recipe Post

This little blog of mine is a lifestyle blog documenting Parker's and my journey through Navy life, but I always make sure to share a new recipe each week. I am pretty much the sole food provider in our house, so I love to mix it up and try out new recipes. This blog has been a good motivator for that. If I want to post a new recipe each week, I have to actually try out new recipes. This keeps me from getting into a rut with cooking, something I have definitely been guilty of in the past. I thought I would share with you all today what goes into deciding which recipes to post and how I like to showcase each one. In other words, here is the anatomy of the recipe post, Q&A style. 

Do you blog about every recipe you make?
Definitely not. I would say it's about 50/50. If I can't see myself making a recipe again, I don't share it. If Parker isn't a fan or wouldn't want to eat it again, I don't post it. I would love to say everything I make turns out delicious and perfect, but that's a big fat lie. I only share the good stuff!

Does taking pictures get in the way of cooking?
Not anymore, but it used to. When I started blogging, I was very diligent about taking pictures of the ingredients, process, and end result. That just takes a little too much time. Now, I make the meal and snap a couple of pictures with my DSLR camera right before I serve the plates. I am not going to make Parker wait 15 minutes and let the food get cold just so I can get the perfect picture. A man needs to eat!

How many meals do you cook per week?
This depends on Parker's schedule, but I would say 2-4. If I make something in the crockpot, I count that for two nights because I know we will have leftovers. Since there are only 2 of us, most everything I make yields leftovers. I'm not complaining one bit- that's a night I don't have to spend in the kitchen! I will also say that my inherently lazy side comes out when Parker is gone. I could eat cereal for days and gladly make myself a bowl if I happen to be solo for the evening.

How did you create pictures under the Recipes tab on your blog?
I've been asked this a few times, and it's super simple. I use to create a collage with the picture and text of the recipe name. I then upload the picture to my Recipes tab and link it back to its respective post. I spend under 3 minutes per recipe and typically create the image when the recipe post goes live.

Do you pin every recipe to Pinterest?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. If you like to blog about recipes, Pinterest is your best friend. The highest amount of traffic I get each month is from the Crockpot Cocktail Weenies recipe I posted last Fall, and it's all because I pinned it to Pinterest. Pin your content, folks. 

Where do you find cooking inspiration? 
I usually browse Pinterest or my recipe books if I have the time. If not, I look at the ingredients I have in my refrigerator and try to make something around those. I'd be lying if I said Pinterest isn't my number one source for recipe inspiration though, because it definitely is. 
That's about it I think! I really do love cooking and sharing the recipes I love. I also love getting recipe inspiration from fellow bloggers. There are some great food blogs out there with a recipe for everyone. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new!

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  1. Crock pots are an awesome time saver and I love when Kory is out of town and I don't have to worry about meals!

  2. I think it's awesome that you share a recipe every week! We usually end up eating leftovers for days at our house :)

  3. I love your recipes tab - it looks so organized & user-friendly :) And you totally got me hooked on pinning my stuff now!

  4. I am trying to get better at not letting my pictures get in the way of my cooking! ha! Chad knows that before he can take a bite I have to snap a few shots! haha!

  5. I am trying to get better at not letting my pictures get in the way of my cooking! ha! Chad knows that before he can take a bite I have to snap a few shots! haha!

  6. I am trying to get better at not letting my pictures get in the way of my cooking! ha! Chad knows that before he can take a bite I have to snap a few shots! haha!

  7. The nutella recipe looks good. you need to email me the recipe girl. and i need to break down and get me a jar and keep it in my room LOL

    It would rock my socks off if you'd join the blog challenge. should be fun. Opened now so come join.

  8. I keep saying I'm going to do a recipe post one day and then I'll make an amazing recipe and after we've eaten it think, "oh I should have took pictures for my blog!!" Oh day it's gonna happen!

  9. I love that link tool! I will have to start using that.. Once I finish editing my blog up a bit for the new season :) If only I was a better cook, Im a MUCH better baker! I've been pinning a lot of our socal travel pics on Pinterest and that alone helps traffic out too!

  10. I thank you for the information and articles you provided


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