BBQ Chicken & Avocado Quesadillas | Anchors Aweigh


April 22, 2014

BBQ Chicken & Avocado Quesadillas

The other night, I found myself in a dinner rut. I just wanted to try a different combination of foods and mix things up. If you cook most nights a week, you have to change things up to keep it fun! That's the way I see it, anyway. I modified the recipe for these BBQ Chicken Avocado Quesadillas, and they were the perfect answer. They were super simple to prepare, they were quick, and they were delicious. Let's face it, avocado added to anything is amazing. They were a hit in my house!

Ingredients (serves 2):
2 large (burrito-size) flour tortillas
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese, divided
1/4 cup BBQ sauce, divided
1/2 cup cooked, shredded chicken, divided
1 avocado, chopped into chunks
Note: If you are starting with raw chicken like I did, throw it in the crockpot on high for about an hour with a little BBQ sauce drizzled over so it can be marinating while it cooks. Once it is cooked through, shred and add to the quesadillas in the directions below.

1. Place shredded chicken and BBQ sauce in a small bowl and stir together until combined.
2. Heat a large skillet on medium-high heat and lay one tortilla on the bottom. Sprinkle half of the tortilla with half the chicken/BBQ sauce mixture, half the cheese, and half the avocado chunks. 
3. Fold the tortilla over and heat for 1-2 minutes before flipping and heating an additional 1-2 minutes. 
4. Repeat with the remaining tortilla and ingredients. Cut both tortillas into 8 wedges and serve warm. 

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  1. Looks delish! I always wonder how people who cook everyday even get this ideas! I love pinterest but when I see pretty pictures of food I want to eat it and not make it HA! Good job on your food photos too!

  2. Yup these most definitely will be added to my menu rotation!

  3. YUM! We are huge lovers of BBQ and avocado, going to have to try this one as well ;-)

    Come on over and link up for Recipe Swap Tuesday!

  4. That looks so good. Quesadillas are my favorite.

  5. Definitely agree - avocado makes everything heaven!!! this sound delish!

  6. I never would have thought of that combination, but it sounds amazing!


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