Finish This | Anchors Aweigh


April 16, 2014

Finish This

Good morning, friends. Today I am finishing the sentence :)

My favorite vacation spot is... about 10 minutes away from where I am currently sitting. My family vacationed to North Padre Island every year when I was a little girl, which is the island bordering Corpus Christi (where we are currently stationed). I have so many fond memories here and would snap back to the age of long beach days, crafts, and family bonding time in a heartbeat.

Bonus points if you can tell us twins apart... even I think we look alike here!
If I won a million dollars, I would... be really boring about it. I would put about $300K in the bank and give the rest to our parents. Then I would be depressed that I only actually received about $650K of that million dollars thanks taxes.

If I could go on a date with one celebrity, it would be... I am pretty sure I am supposed to say a hot guy for this, but I would totally go to lunch with Jennifer Lawrence. Homegirl just seems like a fun person to hang out with. 

If I found a genie in a bottle, my three wishes would be... hmm, that's a toughie. I think I would wish for a million dollars, all the dogs to be adopted into loving homes, and 3 more wishes. Greedy Gert alert!

My favorite clothing item is... shorts. They are just comfortable and not the least bit constricting like most pairs of jeans. I am the person wearing shorts when it's cold outside because I really dislike wearing jeans. I'm going to love chilly Virginia, obviously.

Linking up for Finish This series.

I always love hearing answers to the wishes question, so how about it? If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be?
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  1. Are you the twin in green?? I wouldn't do anything crazy either if I won a million dollars. I'd pay off our mortgage and cars and my student loan debt, then I'd pay off all our families' debt, haha woo!

  2. LOVING those striped shorts! I may just need a pair of those! And I agree... I'm not a fan of wearing jeans they're too constricting. I'll take shorts and dresses any day :)

  3. You are adorable! Is Pier 69 (63?72? some number I don't remember!) still open? That was a very delicious, hole-in-the-wall seafood place when I was there years ago. It was beside the aquarium, under the bridge.

  4. Very cool! That shorts outfit you are wearing is super cute! Where did you find that top?

    I'm hosting a swap that benefits mental health awareness. Stop by and check it out! I hope you'll consider signing up.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  5. Your sister in blue, you in green?

    I'm totally a shorts and flip-flops kinda girl, year-round, no matter what kind of weather. Pants are so constricting.

    Three wishes? Hmmm.

    Patience (because I have very little of it).
    5 million dollars (so I can invest and live off the interest).
    Super high metabolism (I think this is self-explanatory).

  6. Those shorts are super cute! I need to get more for this summer, it's going to be a hot one here.

  7. Where on earth did you get those adorable shorts? I need a pair stat! And I totally agree with you that a lunch date with J. Law would be just about the best date ever. xo

    Courtney @ Little Miss MBA

  8. 100% ADORABLE shorts! I love how you styled them!

  9. I think hanging out with Jennifer Lawrence would be a non-stop laugh fest. I bet it would be so much fun.
    I loved family beach vacations too. It's just really the best family time.

  10. I love your outfit! And of course I can tell which one you are. You are the twin in the green! Though I am a sister to identical twins, there were times I got them totally mixed up! Fun times!

  11. I would say you're in green! Only because of the side part!

  12. I lol because in super greedy and always said I would wishes for more wishes! I would want world peace (pageant answer), 10billion dollars and more wishes!

  13. So nice for you to be close to your favorite vacation spot :) I think I would wish for totally unattainable things like world peace, a cure for cancer, and endless warm weather ;)

  14. I think you're the twin in green, unless you changed which side you part your hair...or your twin did.

  15. I would wish for 3 more wishes too!

  16. I think you are the one in blue. Love those shorts too.

  17. I am going to guess that you are the twin in the blue :) I just about had to flip a coin to choose ha ha! I loved reading your answers.. I might just borrow this if you don't mind?


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