You Know You're Married To A Student Naval Aviator When... | Anchors Aweigh


April 30, 2014

You Know You're Married To A Student Naval Aviator When...

Parker has been a Student Naval Aviator for over 2 years. There are pros and cons of being in one of the longest training pipelines possible, so we have learned to take the good with the bad. Parker will receive his wings next month and finally be able to drop the "student" in "Student Naval Aviator". I have mixed feelings about this chapter coming to a close. It's been an awesome ride, but we are so excited for this next phase of Navy life. Throughout this training process, however, I have adopted new ways of thinking, habits, and concerns courtesy of being a Student Naval Aviator's wife.
You know you're married to a Student Naval Aviator when...

1. At some point in the training process, you have been challenged to make plain chicken and rice taste good day after day after day to curb airsickness. You have also bought anything with the least bit of peanut butter or ginger in it for the same reason. 

2. When you walk outside and see the sun shining, the first thing out of your mouth is "It's a beautiful day for flying!". If Jenny had a nickel for every time she heard that at the start of one of our walks...

3. You kind of want to hit the person who decided it was a good idea to have flight school in Pensacola and Corpus Christi, the rainiest and windiest cities, respectively. You want to propose a place like Nevada. I doubt you get cancelled for weather in the desert. That said, you also kind of want to buy said person chocolate because Pensacola and Corpus Christi are beautiful.

4. You are prepared to tell your husband what kind of plane is flying overhead because you know he will ask.

5. Even when your husband isn't around, you try to identify the different planes flying overhead. Then you get annoyed and try to remember the days where a plane was just a plane. 

6. You are constantly folding loads of laundry that are entirely black. Black undershirts, underwear, and socks fill up your laundry basket faster than the weather changes in Texas.

7. You check your computer every day at 4 PM like clock work to see when your husband is scheduled the next day.

8. You have mixed feelings when the schedule finally does come out. You want him to be scheduled so you aren't stuck in training forever, but you also don't want him to be scheduled so you can have a day off and eat cheese puffs on the couch together.

9. You plan his winging day more than you planned your wedding day. You know who is coming into town, where they are staying, what days they arrive/depart, and you have a schedule of events down to a tee. You also meticulously plan the meals in an attempt to show your family that you are somewhat domesticated.

10. You don't know how to have a conversation that doesn't at least mildly include planes. This is real life, people.

So there you have it. I promise I used to be normal. I have no idea what happened. All I know is I am married to a student Naval aviator. Hello, life. 

Bonus: you show your husband this blog post, and he decides it's a good idea for an airplane quiz. He pulls up a picture on the Internet of a plane he thinks you should know. You identify it correctly, and he goes back upstairs to study. Life.
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  1. Hahaha, I love this!! These are too funny, and I can already identify with a few of them, though Dan is currently not in training yet, just on the Air Force flying team.

  2. This is funny! Every little corner of the military has their quirks, but these had me laughing!

    Kourtney @

  3. I love learning about your military life! It's so great to see Parker so passionate about his job!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. Haha I love reading about this because I have no idea what it's like (obviously!). The only part I can relate to is the laundry. The sea of black laundry. Scott's school/work uniforms are both black. So boring!

  5. I love this! Haha I'm like this with the drones my husband flies these days...and any planes, really, because he quizzes me every time. He's also quizzing me on every. single. rank...and insignia haha what have we become?!

  6. So cute. I can't imagine being quizzed on the planes. I often look up and ask John if that's one of his planes. He thinks my enthusiasm is cute.

  7. Congrats to Parker on earning his wings! That's a huge accomplishment! I know y'all will love the aviation community! It's a tight knit group!

  8. Winging day is so so soon!!! Hoorrayyy!!! Also..these 3 specifically are still my life and we've been out of flight school for over a year! Well really all of these are my life but these made me LOL:

    "3. You kind of want to hit the person who decided it was a good idea to have flight school in Pensacola and Corpus Christi, the rainiest and windiest cities, respectively. You want to propose a place like Nevada. I doubt you get cancelled for weather in the desert. That said, you also kind of want to buy said person chocolate because Pensacola and Corpus Christi are beautiful.
    4. You are prepared to tell your husband what kind of plane is flying overhead because you know he will ask.
    5. Even when your husband isn't around, you try to identify the different planes flying overhead. Then you get annoyed and try to remember the days where a plane was just a plane.
    6. You are constantly folding loads of laundry that are entirely black. Black undershirts, underwear, and socks fill up your laundry basket faster than the weather changes in Texas.
    10. You don't know how to have a conversation that doesn't at least mildly include planes. This is real life, people."

    Sorry for the longest comment but just yes to all of this!

  9. Hahahaha, that's hilarious and I think a similar list needs to be made over on my blog for Naval Academy SOs! Thanks for the inspiration ;)

  10. Haha this is awesome! And I have the same laundry problem except tan and green. I feel like I do laundry for his Army stuff like every other day!

  11. too cute. You two are the cutest thing ever. and such an inspiration for everyone.

  12. Love this!!! I was writing blog port ideas and Nick and I started creating a very similar post, but more so a general aviation family one lol
    I can totally relate to these!!!!

  13. You two are wonderful! Love this post.


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