A less obnoxious title for this post would be "6 Years". Today marks 6 years since Parker and I started dating. In some ways that seems like so long, and in others it seems like we've been together much longer than that. We don't really celebrate the dating anniversary since we are married, but May 1st will forever be ingrained in my head as the day we took the plunge and became Facebook official. It's not official until it's on Facebook, right? Yes, I am embarrassed that I just wrote that.
We started dating just a few short days before school let out for the summer in 2008. We lived four hours apart, so we spent most of the first 3 months long distance. Looking back on those first couple of months, I am not that sure why we stayed together. I liked him and he liked me, but we didn't know much about each other at all. My favorite things about Parker- his servant's heart, his compassion, and his honesty- are all things I learned much later in our relationship. All I know is God brought us together, and I am so glad that He did.
I guess the significance of acknowledging this dating relationship milestone is to recognize that dating is something that doesn't go away when you get married. We are constantly learning new things about each other, learning patience for the things that bug us, and navigating the bumps and bruises of life together. If we would have stopped dating when we got married, our relationship would be so much less fulfilling and so much less rewarding than it is today. The more we explore and learn new things about each other, the more fun it is.
Just the other day, we were riding in the car and he punched me in the arm. Before I could whip around and ask what the heck that was for, he said "slug bug no take backs!!". In almost six years of dating, that was a first. The rest of our car trip consisted of hitting the other one every time we saw another Beetle and making up other excuses to hit each other like the "PT Cruiser Bruiser". We might have problems. Anyway, it's the fun, new experiences that we look forward to. That might be just about the worst example I could have come up with, but you get the point. Never stop dating.
So Parker, here's to six years of laughing, loving, bickering, snuggling, purposely annoying, and learning more and more each day. And I thought I loved you then!
circa 2008 (the summer we began dating) and 2014

I love hearing stories like this. I feel like a lot of what you hear everyday is negative towards relationships and it's always good to hear the positive. Congrats and here is to many more!
Awww!! This post just bursts with cuteness. Happy dateiversary!! =) =)
yay for 6 years!!! :) :) y'all are adorable.
So cute! Happy 6 years of dating!
Happy 2,190 days! :) That's a huge accomplishment, and praying y'all have many, many more to come! So precious.
Cheers to the two of you! Here's to many, many more!
AAAwww. Ya'll are so cute :) Congrats!
You guys have not changed a bit! Happy dating anniversary! We no longer celebrate ours but this year I plan to as we mark 10 years! Insane!
Soooo important to keep dating!!! After we had our second child, we kinda stopped dating. Just the stresses of kids and having a newborn made us forget to date eachother! After some heartache and marital bumps, we went to counseling and realized we had not been on a date without our children in 6 months!!!! From that point we make it a point to go out twice a month together with no kids, and it's made a world of difference!!!! Never stop dating!!! And y'all are adorable!!!
Oh, so sweet! You started dated your hubs a 2 months after I married mine! I feel old...
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Gosh you two need to stop being so cute together! ;)
This is so darn cute! I love it!
Sweet, sweet post! You are so right about the dating! I learn new things about Nick all the time. I think that will happen our whole life somehow. Happy 6 years of dating! Y'all are adorable!
So cute! Happy 6 years together!
I love the concept that you never stop dating! I believe that too, I am always looking for fun/unique activities for my husband and I can do together!
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