There are good weekends, and there are great weekends. This weekend was a great one. I mentioned last week that Parker was supposed to receive his wings of gold and officially become a Naval Aviator this past Friday. Dates get changed in the military all the time, and unfortunately that happened for us. My family regrettably cannot make it down for the new winging date, but instead of just cancelling their plans completely, they decided to still come down and spend Memorial Day weekend with us. To say we were thrilled would be an understatement!
We got my sisters, parents, grandparents, and brother in law all weekend. I love these people so much it hurts, and to have everyone together was such a gift. Not to mention, it was on our turf! We got to show off the place we call home and show them what life is like for us in good old Corpus Christi, Tx.
Parker took the men to go see the planes Friday morning and fly in the simulator (minus my dad who didn't get in until later that day) while I stayed back to entertain the ladies. They had the best time. My grandfathers loved it, especially my Grandaddy who flew planes when he was younger. He hadn't flown a plane since 1986, so he was on cloud nine getting to fly the simulator! Parker loved playing tour guide and showing them his passion for what he does. I get to witness this passion on a daily basis since I have a front row seat in the life of Parker, and I loved that my grandfathers got to see it as well. We hit up one of our all time favorite little restaurants, Snoopy's, for dinner Friday evening. I can't count how many times I have eaten at that place (once a year since I was itty bitty), so being back with everyone was amazing. Not to mention, I got to eat all the shrimp I could handle! Shrimp makes Parker sick, so I don't ever make it. I ate my weight in broiled shrimp that night and loved every minute of it!
We also got to spend a day on the beach, so there's that. It may have been covered in seaweed, but a beach is a beach and I loved it. This is the same beach my family came to every year growing up, so needless to say, this weekend was nostalgia overload being back. The girls got up early to take a 3 mile walk on the beach, and we all met up later for a little ocean time and Scorch. Scorch is a game my family has been playing on the beach since before I was even a thought. It's a cross between tennis and paddle ball, but we all say it's the best way to get your tan! Parker and I ate it up and even got to keep the Scorch paddles for future trips... score!
The hardest part of the weekend was having to say goodbye, hands down. This is goodbye until the holidays for several members of the bunch, but we are so blessed for the time we did get with them. Corpus Christi won't be our home too much longer, but I think this has been our favorite weekend since we moved in.
Coming off of this 4 day weekend, Parker and I are on an emotional high. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. We spent Memorial Day as a little family of 3 enjoying the day and the beautiful country we live in. We hope you all had a very blessed weekend as well!

It looks like you had such a fun weekend! So glad your family still came for a visit even with other plans changing! Your paddle board skills look pretty intense, I'm impressed ;)
That sounds like such a wonderful weekend! Your family is pretty awesome!
Hurray for family time! Being in the military makes it all the sweeter when you do get to hang out with them :)
My Wholesome Home
What an amazing weekend you had with family!~ :)
Looks like you had a great weekend!!
Awe love that you had such an amazing weekend. Bummer you won't see them again until the end of the year!
i know i've said this before - but y'all seriously have some of the most fun as a couple that i've ever seen!
How awesome!!! I totally understand this situation. Same thing happened with my sister's fiance and his winging. It was pushed back a month but my family came down anyway because they couldn't change their plans. And then with Nick's winging, my Grandpa passed away just a few days prior so it was too much for my family to come down for it (I flew down the day after his funeral which was just one day before winging!)
I'm so glad your family still got to visit you one last time before you make the big move!
Sounds like such a fun weekend!! So great that yall were living in the homeland for longer than normal.. Wishing we were back in Texas too! Love Corpus and will definitely have to try out that restaurant next time we make it!
That's great when the family can get together. And great they got to see what it's all about there. I'd hate to know I got sick from shrimp. I love seafood. from shrimp to salmon. I love it. I could eat my weight in it and eat it daily.
Sounds like an awesome weekend. And that game sounds like a great thing!
It was a very special weekend and full of lots of love. Thanks for showing us around your current home. We're sorry to miss the wining but will be thinking of Parker on his special day. See you in Virginia!
Lots of love, Grandma Pat
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