Today was supposed to be one of the biggest days of our lives. It was going to be the culmination of so much hard work, dedication, and passion. Parker was set to receive his wings of gold and officially become a Naval aviator. We have been counting down to this day and looking forward to it for months. Our families were driving/flying in, and it was going to be perfect.
Unfortunately, Parker wasn't able to complete all of the required flights in order to wing on time, so his winging date is pushed back a couple of weeks. This is just one of those times where we have to roll with the military punches. It's not his fault that he didn't complete the flights on time. It's nobody's fault, really. Bad weather and maintenance issues on planes are factors out of our control, and ultimately, they are to blame for the date getting pushed back.
We are both bummed, but this is one of those times where you have to shrug your shoulders and let it roll off your chest. No amount of stressing or wishing is going to change it, and it's not the end of the world at all. The date changing at the last minute means my family can't come to the winging now, and that was a tough pill to swallow. Our families' love and support have been pivotal in our journey, and I wanted them to get to be there to see everything come to fruition. We are glad Parker's family can still make it and glad my family is making a separate trip so they can still see us. The winging was going to be the first time our families would have been together since our wedding, but as my mother quickly pointed out "Don't worry, there will be babies!". Way to be glass half full, mother dearest.
We always say that nothing is official in the military until it is actually happening. This sort of thing happens all the time, so it wasn't a complete surprise when the date was changed. You can plan and plan and plan, and then the military will throw you a curveball, giving you no choice but to quickly adjust. There are a few advantages to the winging date getting pushed back, and we are focusing on those. I can't say we are mad about having to spend a few extra weeks in our home state of Texas. I can't say we are mad about that at all. God doesn't make mistakes, and we know there is a reason his date was rolled back. So until that winging actually does happen, we will just be sitting here rolling with those military punches!

Awww I'm sorry that the date got pushed back. That is so frustrating, especially since everyone was going in to support you both. =( At least you still got to spend time with your families together. That would be nice!
Bummer that it got pushed back. I think as military spouses we have mastered the hurry up and wait.
I'm sorry it got pushed back a little bit, but it's nice that you'll still get to see both sides of the family and be in Texas a wee bit longer!
I absolutely love your attitude! Although I can't even begin to imagine the disappointment in not seeing your families together and having your family be there for this special event in your lives, you always have a positive spin. What a perfect attitude for a military lifestyle! Enjoy those extra few weeks in Texas! :)
I can definitely see how frustrating that is! Sheesh! I love your awesome positive outlook on everything, though. I hope you both enjoy this long Memorial Day Weekend! =)
That's disappointing that it got pushed back, but at least you get to stay in Texas a little longer!
It's disappointing I'm sure but like you said it couldn't be helped. Glad his family will still be able to make it. Love the positive spin!
ahh! That stinks! But least you're getting some trial runs at what the rest of your military life will be once he hits the fleet!!
Sorry it was pushed back, but I'm glad you guys will get to spend a little extra time in TX! :)
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