I have 25 cents to use a payphone, so I call... my husband. I assume if I'm using a payphone, I've lost my phone or my car is broken down and my phone is dead. Both scenarios sound like instances where the husband would be summoned to come to the rescue.
I found $25 in my pocket, so I buy... umm, gas? I'm not really one of those find $10, spend $10 kind of girls. I'd put it in my purse and save it for my next Target visit. Target. Yes.
I have 25 minutes to watch anything on TV, so I turn on... Friends. Duh. Each episode is only 22 minutes long, so I have 3 extra minutes for activities! Winning.
A meal I can prepare from start to finish in 25 minutes or less is... my Buffalo Turkey Joes... or my BBQ Chicken & Avocado Quesadillas... or my Spinach & Pesto Turkey Meatballs. You get the idea. I'm all for quick meals in our house!
At the age of 25, I wish I had known... where we would be moving for the fleet. I'm 25 and this is what I would like to know, so that's about as reflective as I can get with that question.
If I drove 25 miles from my house, I'd be in... hmm, interesting. Since we just moved to Virginia this week, I have absolutely no clue. I'd be somewhere on the east coast. I really need to look at a map since my east coast geography is terrible. I'm from Texas. We know where two things are: Texas and Mexico.
Linking up for Finish This series.
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Chelsea, you picked the PERFECT week to join us again because the co-hosts (including Yours Truly) are offering a big ol' GIVEAWAY to celebrate Week 25. YEA!!!!! Check out my blog ( http://nicoleandkevin.wordpress.com/2014/06/25/finish-this-25/ ) for all the details and gift card list. It's awesome, if I don't say so myself!!!!
I think you need to share your recipe for chicken and avocado quesadillas. That sounds so delish!
Enjoy Virginia and go explore. Seriously, just get in your car and go. It'll be fun, promise. That is beautiful country!!!
Virginia is a pretty state.
I love Friends. I've seen every episode numerous times.
Have a great week!
Texas and Mexico...preach sista. And also, 3 minutes for activities hahaha!
3 minutes for activities... I think enough of a break to get a snack before watching more tv! Does that mean I have no life?! haha
Haha I would save the money for Target too!
"We know where two things are: Texas and Mexico." HA!!
Sounds like you've got some exploring to do!! It's one of the best things about moving around a lot, even if you are unsure about your location - it's always fun to drive around and see what near you! Can't wait to read about your adventures in VA! :)
Lol! You sound just like my mother-in-law. She's from Texas and when they moved to PA, she was like, "Snow?! What snow?" Oh, and my husband would totally be the one I'd be calling. Like you said, if you're using a payphone, obviously you're in trouble. My phone died once, and I had to use a payphone to ask him to pick me up from somewhere. I felt so lost because I didn't even know how to use the thing. lol!
Thank you so much for featuring me in your sponsor spotlight! You are so sweet!
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