Flight School Complete | Anchors Aweigh


June 5, 2014

Flight School Complete

Parker finished his last flight of flight school on Tuesday, and it's still sinking in. Flight school has been our life for the last two and a half years, and to see this chapter come to a close just doesn't seem real. There have been so many ups and downs throughout this process. Navy life isn't always the easiest, as much as we try to focus on the positives, and flight school comes with its share of challenges. With the challenges came so much joy, though. 
When Parker earned his flight suit in April 2012, we were giddy with excitement. I couldn't get over how handsome he looked in it- he wears that flight suit well! It's been two years of wearing that thing almost every day, and I still think he looks like such a stud in a flight suit. When Parker flew solo in the T-6 for the very first time in December of 2012, he was on such a high. We both were. He flew a plane all by himself! It seems like so long ago with all the solo flights that have followed. When Parker selected tailhook out of Primary training in April 2013, I cried tears of joy. He had gotten exactly what he wanted. He was going to fly a jet! That was one of the happiest days we've had. Finding out he selected E2/C2 and wouldn't be flying the F-18 like he had dreamed was a tough pill to swallow and left us both in a state of shock for a few weeks. We see now that God's plan involved us being here instead, and we are so thankful that it did. When Parker landed on the boat and got carrier qualified in January 2014, it was one of the neatest experiences of his life. He landed a jet on a carrier... pretty cool. 

Seeing this chapter come to a close is bittersweet. We will always see this time in our lives as where our military journey started, but I am excited to see what God has in store for us next. Parker completed his last flight on Tuesday, and we couldn't wipe the smiles off of our faces. I drove out to the flight line to wait for him as he got out of the T-44A for the last time, and the look of pure happiness on his face was priceless. I brought my jug of water for a tradition known as "wetting down" and poured water over he and Andrew to celebrate their completion of flight school. So proud of all these guys.

Congratulations Parker. You are flight school complete!

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  1. Such a huge accomplishment! On to bigger and better :)

  2. Congrats to him! That is so awesome! Yay for new adventures!

  3. so much dedication and hard work! MAD PROPS to Parker!!!

  4. Wow. What an accomplishment. Congratulations Parker!! And... that "wetting down" thing sounds like TOO much fun! Hahaha, so awesome!

  5. Hooray, Phelps! I'm sure my Facetime well wishes are what helped him pass his last flight. Jokes aside, this is a huge deal and you guys are going to have a great winging weekend!

    Note to Lady Phelps: Make sure your straightener doesn't break the day of the winging ceremony or else you'll look like Cher in Moonstruck circa 1987 like me at Ryan's winging! Fun times.

    This is such a huge accomplishment and I can't wait to see what's in store for you guys in VA and then in SAN DIEGO! Because obviously, if I say it enough, it'll happen. Love you and miss you guys!

  6. Congrats to Parker and good luck as you move on to the next chapter!

  7. A HUGE congratulations to Parker!!!! I can't wait to see where God takes the two of you next! :-)

  8. YAY Congrats!!! It has been such a blessing to be able to read your blog as you go through all of these things and we follow along a year or so behind! Now you are moving back to our home state of VA! Enjoy the celebrations this weekend! :)

  9. CONGRATS to ya'll. One more chapter in ya'lls life complete. Now here's to many more.


  10. Congrats to Parker and you! :)

  11. Congratulations to you both! I can't imagine the excitement both of y'all are feeling.

  12. Here's to new and exciting beginnings!!

  13. Congrats to Parker! Moving on!

  14. That is so awesome! Congratulations to Parker :D


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