Latest TV Obsessions | Anchors Aweigh


June 4, 2014

Latest TV Obsessions

Sometimes I wish I liked watching TV less. Then I remember how fun it is, and I take it back. I envy those people who would rather curl up with an intellectually stimulating book than watch a reality TV show. I want to be like you when I grow up. When someone mentions a good book that's a "must read", I kindly tell them that if it's that good, it will be made into a movie, and I'll catch it in the theaters.  While I'm sitting here waiting to grow up and discover my love for literature, I will keep right on watching those fabulous television shows.

I thought I would share my latest favorites in case any of you are looking for a good show to get into this summer. We all know TV kind of dies down in the summer, so here are some favorites you can catch on Amazon Prime/Netflix/Hulu.

Downton Abbey- Parker and I are obsessed. So well cast. So witty. So good. 
Survivor- We still watch Survivor, and we will until the day it goes off the air. Every season pulls us in.
The Bachelorette- Trashy and ridiculous? Yes. Entertaining? Yes. 
Dance Moms- I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit I watch this show, but I love it. I loved going to my little sisters' dance recitals when we were kids, so watching the girls dance takes me back to that. I love little Chloe. She reminds me so much of my sister Natalie at that age!
The Big Bang Theory- This show just never disappoints. Every episode is funny. 
Friends- Always and forever. Yes, it's been off the air for 10 years, but I still watch the old ones and will always find them so entertaining. The downside? Watching them with Parker makes him realize I don't have any of my own jokes. I might as well be the female version of Chandler Bing to him. I'll take it.

 I asked my sponsors what their latest TV obsessions were, and I need to check some of these out!

What are your latest TV obsessions?
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  1. Scandal and Revenge are mine--and I just started Pretty Little Liars!

  2. We're tv twins! Obsessed with Downton, Big Bang, and The Bachelorette! Just throw in The OC ;-)

  3. I love watching The Big Bang Theory and Once Upon A Time.

  4. I don't consider myself a TV person but I've been thinking of doing a post on it (so maybe I am a TV person??? haha) YES to Downton, the last season definitely wasn't the best, but it's still definitely my favorite show that's currently on air-- along with Sherlock!

  5. Girl, I am so obsessed with television! Lol. Mistresses is definitely a good one, and I never get tired of Grey's Anatomy...reruns or new!


  6. I'm with you Chelsea... Downton, Friends, & the Bachelorette. Love em!

  7. I LOVE Big Bang Theory. That's one of my favorites. We own the first 4 seasons on DVD. haha! Still funny to watch over and over. I've been told I really need to check out Downton Abbey but I haven't gotten there yet.


  8. I've been loving Revenge and Resurrection, but there are so many more I could name off!

  9. We are obsessed with The Big Bang Theory haha. It's definitely my favorite show.

  10. I used to be a huge TV junkie but I didn't have a TV in college so now I barely watch it. I am a huge HGTV fan-- I wish I was Nicole Curtis from the Rehab Addict show.

  11. I love TV FAR too much! Nate and I are obsessed with all sorts of shows. :-)

  12. You're just lucky Bravo has never sucked you into their dark, dark hole!!

  13. I want to start Downtown Abbey.

  14. I am obsessed with Downton Abbey, can't wait til next season!!

  15. I watch the Bachelorette....the Bachelor......

    I watch those Housewives shows....

    It's really pathetic...really...

  16. I love Big Bang and so wish it was on netflix. Haven't looked for friends but will do that next. Love that show. It never gets old. Watched the Bachelorette and as there's drama in it but I like it. Sad to hear one of the guys passed.

  17. Bahhhhh I watch everything on Bravo! Start watching Bravo! The shows are ALL amazing!

  18. I'm so behind on Downton Abbey, but I am caught up on the Bachelorette ha ha.

  19. Tom and I are re-watching the entire series of Friends. I feel like it is even more relateable watching now than when it came out. And I love the trashiness of the Bachelorette! I agree that I could never not be a TV watcher!


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