Fourth of July Weekend on the East Coast | Anchors Aweigh


Fourth of July Weekend on the East Coast

We celebrated our first official holiday in our new home state of Virginia! Hurricane Arthur was supposed to be headed our direction on the 4th, so all festivities were postponed to the 5th. It was just about the most underwhelming hurricane ever. We had a little bit of rain/wind early the morning of the 4th, but the evening was clear and perfect for fireworks. Since everything was still postponed to the 5th, I decided to make a nice 4th of July dinner in to celebrate. It was less than glamorous since our household goods haven't been delivered. Have you ever tried to make a peach cobbler without measuring cups? I highly discourage it.

Virginia Beach puts on a pretty neat fireworks show on the beach, so we were excited to meet friends for dinner and watch the fireworks after. Cue jamming out to Katy Perry in my head. There is just something cool about watching the fireworks with your toes in the sand. It's funny, because it's July, and it was actually chilly outside. Pants would have been nice. What?! We are from Texas where it doesn't get cool until November. Cool evenings in July? Such a foreign concept. Virginia also proved to have some pretty gorgeous sunsets!
I just love America. So thankful for those who serve so that we can enjoy freedom. Land of the free because of the brave.

We also had another little reason to celebrate this past weekend. Our sweet Jen pup turned 4 years old! We know it's not her real birthday since I apparently can't do simple math, but we have celebrated it on July 5th every year, so we aren't stopping now! She got lots of birthday love and snuggles and a couple of new toys, and she of course had no idea anything was different. Pups. Her big birthday present was a new playmate, but more on that later this week. It's crazy to think Jenny has been a part of our lives for 3.5 years. She is the biggest blessing!!

We hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend as well!

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The Life You Love said...

A new playmate?! That sounds exciting! I can't wait to read more about that. The 5th was pretty chilly, even in NC. I enjoyed it though. It looks like y'all had a good time.

Jamie said...

Looks like a perfect 4th!

Cayte Brown said...

Ok so now that you are officially here, lets get together this week!

Karla said...

SO glad that the hurricane didn't amount to much. By the time it got to CT, it wasn't much of anything except rain. Happy Birthday to your Jenny!! :) And oh my gosh. The sunset and fireworks pictures are gorgeous. All your pictures always are!!

Jen said...

Sounds like a great weekend to me! :)

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

Beautiful pictures! You look so happy!

Carly said...

We were freezing on the 4th during the fireworks too! WHich is crazy because it was literally 95+ degrees a few days earlier! Your firework shot is pretty impressive & I love the picture of the beach. sooo pretty! So glad you guys arrived and had a great weekend!

Amy said...

yay for playmates! can't wait to hear more about this!! :)
and girlllll east coast hurricanes can be intense but I figured that one would be "not so bad" they thought it was coming for us first, but then it shifted towards y'all.
sounds like y'all had a great celebration though (lovely pictures!)

Ashley said...

Sounds like an awesome fourth and weekend! I actually came down to Hampton (close to VA beach) for the fourth! So much fun spending it on the beach!

m said...

What an adorable little fam! Happy belated 4th!



Melzie at Ribbons and Rotor Blades said...

Happy Birthday JenPup!!!! Call us crazy but I LOVE celebrating the dogs birthdays! Vino's is on the 9th and I'm going shopping after work for her presents and cake ingredients ;) Can't wait to hear about her new playmate...I hope it's adopting another puppy because two is way better than one! And way easier!

Bailey Kay said...

Glad you had a great holiday weekend! I laughed out loud at that photo Parker posted on FB of you measuring the flour with your hands.

And happy birthday Jenny!

Patty said...

It was really cool in Michigan too...who wants to wear a hoodie on July 4th?! Sounds like a great time to ease into your new home:)

Elizabeth Lynn said...

Happy birthday to Jenny!!! Can't wait to hear about this new playmate!

Rachel Lynn said...

I'm jealous of your cool evenings. Even after dark it's still 100 most days here. Glad you had a lovely holiday weekend!

My Wholesome Home

Semper Ag said...

happy birthday to your pup!!!!!! We had a cool evenings these past few days too! Definitely weird for this Texas

Nicole said...

Fourth of July on the East Coast. It seems so American :) Love the pictures. Did you really capture those fireworks with your own camera? If so, then you really need to share how you did that!

Julie Dayton said...

So glad you're enjoying Virginia! :) I miss it there so much!

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Jenpup! I can't wait to see how you all react to more of Virgina weather. I hope it will be fun for you all!


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