A Letter From Darla + A Giveaway | Anchors Aweigh


October 27, 2014

A Letter From Darla + A Giveaway

Darla has been a part of our family for four months now, and it finally feels like the new normal. For those of you who don't know the story of our little miracle pup, Darla, feel free to read it here. It took some adjusting for both us and Darla to figure out the ends and outs of living together, but she has acclimated really well. That said, I know she misses her mama. Even more so, I know her mama misses Darla. Darla's mom is away serving our country, and I know it has to be so hard being away from her baby for so long. I cringe thinking about having to board Jenny for a weekend. I can only imagine leaving her for months at a time. Dogs aren't like people. They don't understand what a deployment means or why we have to leave them for periods like that. I think that makes leaving them that much harder. 

Darla and I teamed up with Lovepop to do something special for her mom while she is away. I was contacted by a fellow Navy wife about this new company and was instantly intrigued by such a one of a kind product. Lovepop creates unique, 3-D cards for any occasion. The intricate detail on the 3-D portion of the card leaves such a lasting impression, and I know Darla's mom is going to display hers throughout her deployment as a reminder of her little pup back home. I... ahem, Darla... wrote a letter inside the card to let her know how her pup was doing and what's been going on in our world.

The genius engineers behind Lovepop designed these babies so that they fold completely flat yet reveal an intricate, 3-D design when opened. Since this card is going to someone in the Navy, how fitting is this design? I'm obsessed! My engineer husband was so intrigued by the making of the pop up picture. If you're curious about the science behind them as well, check out this kickstarter.

Lovepop just came out with their holiday collection which looks a.m.a.z.i.n.g. How cool would it be to send a card like this to someone you really care about? Today, Lovepop is giving you the opportunity to win a card from their greeting card collection! Enter below, and good luck!

Anchors Aweigh readers can also take advantage of 10% off by using the code lovepopanchors10 at checkout!

Darla says go check these bad boys out, and really, who could say no to a dog that sits like a human?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I never heard of the Love Pop card. That is a wonderful idea.

  2. I've never heard of them, but what a cool concept! I LOVE the ferris wheel card!

  3. Love the LovePop cards!! What a neat idea!!

  4. I love the Original Love Pop cards.(:

  5. I think it's a tie between the wedding arbor and the ferris wheel!

  6. Wow these are amazing! I wish I had skills like that, I remember making pop up cards in the grade school days, but they looked nothing like this! haha

    And it's so awesome of you guys to take in Darla and take care of her! Grade-A friends in my book!

  7. These are amazing. I'm in love with the Serene Pink Cherry Blossoms

  8. That is amazing! I'm sure Darla's mom will love it@

  9. I love cards-- and these ones look incredible! What a great idea

  10. LOVE the ferris wheel card! So cool.


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