I thought it would be fun to use this month's boy behind the blog as a chance to interview Parker on his thoughts on being a dad. So far, I've really only told things from my point of view, so here's the husband sharing his thoughts on becoming a father in April!
Questions and Answers (my responses to his answers are in grey):
1. What's been the most surprising part of pregnancy so far?
I expected Chelsea to get sick a lot more and she hasn't, which has definitely been a blessing.
Huge blessing to have escaped the sickness aspect. My friend told me I'm the pregnancy unicorn from the movie What to Expect When You're Expecting. I'll take it.
2. What's the weirdest thing Chelsea has done since becoming pregnant?
Probably my favorite thing Chelsea did was put the hot sauce in the freezer after lunch. Who does that? #pregnancybrain
Pregnancy brain is real, yall. The minute I start doing something on autopilot, I mess it up.
3. What three adjectives would you use to describe how you feel about being a dad?
Excited, anxious, blessed
No joke, those are the three I had in mind when I asked him the question.
4. If you could pick one trait from Chelsea that you want the baby to get, what would it be?
Her big ole heart and how she's so sweet. And her sense of humor. She's pretty funny. Just ask her.
Very sweet. He's pretty funny too. Just ask him.
5. If you could pick one trait from you that you want the baby to get, what would it be?
I would love for the baby to inherit my work ethic.
You and me both, husband.

awww loved his answer to number 4!
So sweet! Only 6 more months to go!
So cute!
Aw, what fun questions for this time around! :)
This is really sweet!
Could you guys be any cuter?!
I loved reading Parker's thoughts!
Too cute, love that you did this post with your hubby!
Awwww. So sweet and honest!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Aw his answers are great!
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