Pregnancy is a complete and total blessing. Plain and simple, it is a gift from God. Parker and I knew when we decided to start expanding our family that pregnancy was a gift, not a right, and we were overjoyed when those two lines appeared on that stick. We were pregnant. The Lord chose us. What a humbling thought.
If you've kept up with my pregnancy, you know that I've had a pretty easy time with it. I escaped the morning sickness, I didn't get nauseous, and I can still fit into my old clothes at 16 weeks. Pretty darn easy, right? It has been, and it's been a huge blessing, but I've also had my share of scares and discomforts as well. I've been doubled over most of today with sharp round ligament pain in my belly. I had a small bleeding scare just before getting out of the first trimester, every pregnant lady's worst nightmare. There have been a couple of things. I didn't highlight these on my blog for a reason. I'm not here to sugar coat things and want to portray the real deal, but I also believe dwelling on the positives of pregnancies and not focusing on the minor negatives I am going through is key.
I think a lot of people view pregnancy as a 9 month excuse to complain about anything and everything. We are growing a human, so we are going to play that pregnancy trump card all day, every day. That's the vibe I'm getting. Knowing how much we prayed for and wanted this child, this mentality is just a little unsettling. I may be having sharp growing pains that have been here for a solid 24 hours, but there is someone out there that has had them for 24 weeks. There may be someone out there that has had sharp pains for 24 weeks, but there's someone else who has been on bed rest since week 12. There may be someone who has been on bed rest since week 12, but there is someone else who lost their baby at week 12 and would do anything for these symptoms to be back and for their baby to be growing healthily. You see where I'm going with this. Someone always has it worse.
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it comes with its share of difficulties, and we all experience these to some degree. I feel like we have a choice on how we choose to act. This baby in my belly is a direct outpouring of God's love and faithfulness. This baby is a gift. I have cramps all around my belly as I type this, and I already have to pee again, but I want to strive to choose positivity in every aspect of this pregnancy. God is good all the time. In the difficulty and strife, there is always good.

I love how positive you are! I think everyone knows that pregnancy comes with it's ups and downs, and it can be really rough for some people..but I think even if you're having a bad day (and this is in any case, really!), it's best not to dwell on it - it only makes it worse. I'm TERRIFIED that when the time comes, I'll be miserable and unhappy, but I'm the same way - determined to stay positive because I don't want to be THAT pregnant girl who is just miserable an grouchy all the time. It really is a beautiful gift and not everyone is so lucky. Glad to see you're keeping a bright spirit about it!
Love your positive outlook on pregnancy! It is truly a gift and savor each moment cause believe it or not you'll miss it! I was really bad about worrying about every.single.twinge. Until my hubby reminded me that it was just Satan coming to steal my joy! Don't let him steal your joy! :) Pregnancy is a beautiful time heartburn gas and all. Plus you get the cutest little prize at the end!
You have such a great perspective Chelsea! It's so important to stop and remember these things because it's easy to get overwhelmed with the negative. Love your little bump!
I love your attitude.
I love your positive outlook! I try to remember that someone always has it worse than me when things are going rough for me.
i honestly believe that you just have a positive outlook on life - one that we could all use as an example to focus on the good and not the bad!
beautiful post today friend!
So incredibly true and on point!! Pregnancy didn't come easy for me either time due to my Crohn's Disease and dealing with a miscarriage due to my disease. But it didn't matter, I was happy to endure everything I went through to have my two perfect beautiful babies! And though I had some super rough days and a lot of pain, I was still happy and couldn't imagine doing anything else! And of course I still had good days and felt good!
This is great! I completely agree that the pregnancy trump card is so overused. I was so fortunate to have an easy first and second trimester too but this third one is killer! Would I change it? Not for the world! I'm so fortunate to be pregnant with my little man! (I'll admit, I'm pretty happy that my midwife told me today that she's going to be VERY surprised if I make it to my due date)
I agree with you about staying positive. I had a horrible pregnancy, including visits to high-risk OBs, and gestational diabetes. I have had two recent miscarriages. And despite all that it's worth the pain and heart-aching to have a child. My daughter is the love of my life and my dream come true. She was more than worth it. I do think it's important to write about those experiences. When I was going through a bad time with my pregnancy and with my miscarriages, I looked for information out there and other women going through the same things. I just hope that what I write and my experiences will help someone else and let them know that they aren't alone.
I've been following your blog for some time now - and as a fellow military wife (Marines), I love your scope! Thank you for sharing so much of your life and experience. I was simply over joyed to hear your news, and appreciate your prospective towards joy.
My husband and I just had our first child a month ago, and during my pregnancy found out our son had a congenital heart defect that would require open heart surgery after birth. We too realized that caring for our son was (and remains) a gift from God. So many expected us to be mournful, but we quickly realized that we had His strength behind us.
Wishing you a healthy and happy continuation of your pregnancy and expected blessing.
Love your attitude!! Praying for you and that little baby of yours right now!
:) Rebecca
You go, friend! There is no one else I'd rather go into really extreme detail with when it comes to this pregnancy thang! You're awesome! :)
Such a cute little baby bump :) I work with someone that complains about pregnancy all day long so reading this post was very up lifting!
Love to see someone sharing such positivity and an uplifting spirit through this journey! It isn't always an easy one and sometimes complaining seems to be the thing to do, but staying positive is so worth it. Looking forward to continuing to follow you thru this journey. Praying for you and the baby!
I feel like I tell you on every baby post how adorably pregnant you are!! I'm glad you've got a smooth pregnancy so far!!!
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