2 Years of Blogging: Check! | Anchors Aweigh


December 8, 2014

2 Years of Blogging: Check!

With everything going on and being in and out of the hospital last week, I missed this little blog's birthday! I started Anchors Aweigh 2 years ago on December 1st, 2012, and I never could have imagined how much I would love it or how much of a role it would play in both mine and Parker's lives. We just wanted a place to document our adventures and keep our families updated, but it's turned into so much more than that. It's a place where I have connected with so many amazing women. It's a place where I have drawn inspiration from others and hopefully inspired others as well. It's a place where I have shared our greatest joys and our greatest pains. 

I like to look back and pick out my favorite posts from the past year, and this year, it's pretty darn easy! I loved getting to write about our sweet Taylor Grace. From our announcement to each bumpdate to sharing the news of her chromosomal abnormality and her homecoming into Heaven, I am so glad I documented it all. She's my favorite conversation topic. Even though she isn't with me anymore, she will always be such a huge part of who I am and the greatest blessing. 

Other than that, I was very humbled to get to share my little sister's story. I still go back and read that post from time to time because I am in awe of how faithful God is and how He uses His children for His good. 

Honorable Mention:

Parker's Winging- I still get chills when I think about that day! So darn special!
Wanting to Freeze Time- This is sort of a random one, but this post just reminds me how much Parker and I loved living in Corpus Christi. Dinners overlooking the water are so missed! So is warm weather. 
Real Life- I like this one because it showcases the not so glamorous but all too present aspects of daily life. So often we share the pretty stuff, but real life happens to all of us!

It's been a fun 2 years. I look forward to hopefully many more! Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging and read this little blog of mine. I am thankful for you! I'm going to attach a screenshot of what my blog template looks like after 2 years because more than likely, I will get bored and change it before too long. 

So here's a question: for those who have been reading this blog, what have been your favorite posts or post topics?

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  1. Congratulations! As a reader, I've loved just reading about your lives, especially the winging and Taylor Grace. You live different lives from other bloggers, and it has been so wonderful reading about you guys. Especially since we're sorority sisters haha!

  2. Chelsea, I love reading your blog and have tried some of your recipes. My favorite blogs are the one on Faith and the ones on Taylor Grace. They both show your special relationship with the Lord. Missing you. Lots of love, Grandma Pat

  3. I almost forgot. I loved the blog you did on Father's Day about your Dad. Grandpa Har got teary-eyed when he read it.

  4. Congrats on two years! Such a milestone! :) I wouldn't say I have a specific, favorite post of yours, but I do absolutely love the way you write. Your passion and love for the Lord shines through, and you're always honest and open. It's refreshing and what keeps me coming back for more :). Here's to many more years of Anchors Aweigh!

  5. Congratulations on two years with this blog! I love reading it and am so happy I found it a long time ago. :) Mine will be two on January 1st!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Happy Blog-anniversary! I've loved reading your blog since the very first time I read it. I love reading about how the different branches affect others' lives and how different/similar it is to ours (we're Air Force). I especially like how your blog is real, not fake or over-sponsored like others I've seen.

    You know how in a successful movie or TV show, the main character is always likeable? To me, that's you. (I hope that makes sense.)

  7. Happy blogiversary! I love reading all of your posts (except the recipe ones, because I can't cook to save my life. But I think your recipe posts are pretty popular on Pinterest!)

    Hope you have a great week!

  8. Happy 2 years! It really is amazing to look back. Hugs!

  9. Congratulations on 2 years! I am coming up on my 1 year in January! lol! I loved reading about your little one and seeing all of the amazing furniture that your husband built in your home. I'm still amazed by all of the beautiful things he made!

  10. Congratulations on 2 years!!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  11. Congrats Chelsea!! I enjoy your honesty in your life; especially on faith and sharing your little Taylor Grace with us all:)

  12. Your pesto turkey meatball recipe is my all time favorite meatball recipe!!!

  13. Congrats on blogging for two years! That is so exciting :D There have been so many posts that I have loved - the ones about your sweet pups, Parker's accomplishments, recipes, what you two have been up to, and your posts on Taylor Grace.

  14. I love reading about you close knit family. You all seem to have the best times.


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