Favorite Christmas Gift | Anchors Aweigh


December 19, 2014

Favorite Christmas Gift

I think it's fun to reflect on my favorite Christmas gift I have ever received over the years. My family has always gone all out for Christmas, so we've had some pretty fun Christmases! One definitely stands out as the hands-down winner though, and we like to remind our parents that Christmas of 1998 will never be topped. It was so magical!

My twin sister and I were 9, my younger sister was 6, and my youngest sister was 4. My parents surprised us with a trip to Disney World! The Christmas was completely Disney-themed. We received stockings with a Disney character on them that we still get way too excited to see today. I seriously cannot wait to go home and see my Pooh stocking sitting next to Danielle's Mickey, Natalie's Tigger, and Faith's Goofy. We opened a few presents that were all Disney-themed, and we were told there was one more gift left for the end. We each unwrapped clues to tell us what that gift would be. One of us unwrapped a toy limo because my parents wanted us to get to ride in a limo on the way to the airport (very cool for a kid!). One of us unwrapped an airplane, so that let us know we would be flying somewhere. The third kid unwrapped a picture of our grandmother to let us know she would be joining us. The fourth kid opened up a Disney World booklet, and that's when my Dad immediately turned on the TV to Christmas at Disney so we all could find out at the same time. Seriously so cool. Disney World was beyond amazing, and it will always go down as the best Christmas ever. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Here's a throwback from that glorious event. My sweet mother is missing because she was behind the camera, but this picture makes me so happy! I may not have thought it then, but my little sisters were so stinkin cute. 

Check out what these awesome ladies had to say about the best Christmas gift they ever gave or received!

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What is the best gift you have ever given or received?

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  1. One of my favorite Christmas memories is spending it at Disneyland. :)

  2. Disney Christmas is the best!! So fun!
    xo Liz @ Baby Got B.A.

  3. I can't remember if these were holiday or birthday gifts, but I remember going to 3 different concerts that any 90s kid would be dying to see: Aaron Carter (with special guest DreamStreet), Hilary Duff, and Backstreet Boys. I'm still SO excited about it haha

  4. My parents still use the same stocking we had as a kid too. I think my favorite gift was an American Girl doll.

  5. OMG what a fantastic gift! Can I please be adopted into the Benner family? hahaha! Also, the 90's were awesome. That's all.

  6. I can totally understand why this is your favorite Christmas gift memory! I love all of the thought your parents put into telling all four of you-- how fun!

  7. I would be over the moon if I had received that as a Christmas surprise :D

  8. What an awesome surprise Christmas gift for y'all!


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