Remembering Taylor Grace | Anchors Aweigh


December 29, 2014

Remembering Taylor Grace

We knew we wanted to have a memorial service for Taylor Grace, and we decided to do it over the holidays with the family. We prayed it would bring some closure. To be honest, I don't think I will ever have "closure", at least not in the way that I interpret that word. I see closure as closing the chapter and moving on. For me, my chapter in life with Taylor Grace will always be open. It's going to get easier down the road, but there will never be a day that I don't think about our baby in Heaven. I can't ever receive closure in that sense, but what I do feel after the ceremony is an overwhelming sense of peace I didn't know I was missing. This was the final event for her, and it was a celebration of her life in every way we hoped it would be.
Parker's uncle, the same uncle that married us, led our daughter's memorial service, and he couldn't have done a better job. It was short and sweet like her life here on earth, but he dove right into the Word and reminded me that she was absolutely intentional, absolutely perfect, and absolutely fearfully and wonderfully made. God didn't make a mistake when he created our Taylor Grace. She was so perfectly formed in His image and in my belly. Taylor means clothed in salvation, and she truly is at the feet of her Father.
To conclude the service, Parker and I symbolically released a single white dove. She was always His, and seeing that bird fly home reminded us that Taylor Grace had flown to her forever home too. We are so thankful to our families for being there for us. Her memorial service was so much more perfect than either of us could have imagined. I am so thankful that we had this opportunity to celebrate her life with some of the people who have loved us, loved her, and prayed us all three through this journey. 

I didn't pull my camera out until almost everyone had left, but I wanted to upload the pictures of the family members I did capture. It really was so wonderful to have so many loved ones surrounding us. This is the first time our families have come together since our wedding, and we wish more than anything that it would have been under different circumstances, but it was amazing to have everyone together nonetheless.

We love our little angel baby, and I am so thankful that we got the chance to celebrate her life. 
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  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Taylor Grace. I love the way you are remembering her and loving her. Even though she may have never seen you here it's wonderful knowing you will be able to meet your sweet daughter one day in heaven. Praying for you girl!

  2. She will always be such a loved little girl. Sending lots of love your way!

  3. I'm so glad you were able to celebrate Taylor Grace's life with your family.

  4. I'm so glad that y'all's families were able to all come together to celebrate Taylor's life. What a special and important moment. Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

  5. I'm so glad you had this chance to celebrate your daughter's precious life. I'm sure you can't wait to meet her someday!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

  7. I'm glad you and your family were able to do this.

  8. Your strength amazes and inspires me I pray for you every day

  9. May you & Parker always remember your time with Taylor Grace - she will always be with you. I'm glad you had your loved ones with you as you celebrated your daughter.
    Hugs and love to you!

  10. What a great way to commemorate her life and to give you and Parker some peace in your heart.

  11. I'm so glad that I was able to connect with you about Taylor on Instagram. I, too, went through a miscarriage and it rocked our world. I also don't think I will ever close to chapter. You were a lot further along and had more of a connection, which I can't even imagine going through. We're praying for you guys always. <3

  12. as always, i am encouraged by you & parkers faithfulness.
    i am sooo hopeful that this was able to bring some peace, solace, comfort, and healing to y'alls hearts.


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