Christmas 2014... Better Late Than Never? | Anchors Aweigh


January 8, 2015

Christmas 2014... Better Late Than Never?

I completely failed to blog any and all aspects of Christmas 2014. I was going to just forget about it and move on because we are well into January at this point, but I love having these posts to look back on. So, if you are completely sick of Christmas recaps and want to skip this post, I won't be offended one bit!

I'm just going to keep it short and sweet and post a few pictures from our Christmas as a foursome. So sad thinking Darla probably won't be with us next Christmas. That pup has stolen our hearts, but I know her mama will be so happy to have her back. 

This year, Parker and I knew almost every single thing the other had purchased. For Parker, I have learned spontaneity with gift-buying is not well received and I really just need to stick to the list. For me, he likes to purchase things for me while I am with him and then wrap them for Christmas. Works for me! Parker did sneak one surprise in my stocking that I am so excited about. This summer, I talked about how nice it would be to have a hammock to sit in when the weather is nice. He remembered and gave me one. Men do listen! Who knew? 

Here's a nice little photo dump of our family Christmas...

Since we spent Christmas in Texas, we woke up a few days before we left and pretended it was Christmas morning. Presents, pajamas, and cinnamon rolls... we weren't mad about it. It was a wonderful little morning as a family!

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  1. That sounds so fun to get up and pretend like it was Christmas! That makes the festivities continue... how nice!! I'll have to keep that in mind for the future. :)

  2. I'm still doing Christmas recaps too! :) You aren't alone!

  3. I love that pink coat! Glad you had a great Christmas!

  4. I am so glad you had a good Christmas, you deserved it so much! :)

  5. You will love 1989! Its one of my favorite albums! Love your guys' stockings!

  6. I didn't even take any photos of my family's Christmas, hence no recap... #bloggerfail

  7. "Why You Suck at Golf"....I laughed scrolling over that picture! lol.

  8. Why You Suck At Golf...I absolutely need to get this book for Nick! I'm actually surprising him with professional golf lessons (it's not cheap but it's his 30th so I justify that it's a huge birthday and worth it) but I think I'll get this book and tuck the lessons brochure inside! Thanks for the idea ;)
    I am also behind on my Christmas post. (Finishing up photos right now). I am writing it for myself moreso than anyone else because this is just as much my online journal and memory keeper as it is a place for others to read about my life.

  9. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! John and I usually know what we get each other too ha ha. Both of our pups received huge doggy bones that they carried (and ran into everything) everywhere.


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