Fajita Chicken Quesadillas | Anchors Aweigh


January 20, 2015

Fajita Chicken Quesadillas

I sort of threw this recipe together on a whim, but it turned out to be the perfect little dinner for the husband and me. It was super simple and quick to make, and Parker loved it. Win win! Have a busy weeknight coming up? Give this recipe a try!

Large tortillas
Monterrey Jack cheese, shredded
Green bell pepper, sliced
Frozen fajita chicken

You'll notice I didn't list quantities in the ingredients. Use as much or as little as you want depending on how many quesadillas you want to make.

1. Coat a large pan with cooking spray and heat fajita chicken and bell pepper together over medium-high heat. Cook until chicken is hot all the way through and bell peppers are soft, and set aside. 
2. In a large pan sprayed with cooking spray (I used the same pan as in step 1 for simplicity), place a large tortilla in the center. Top half of the tortilla with chicken and bell pepper mixture and a generous handful or cheese, and fold the tortilla in half to make your quesadilla. 
3. Heat for 2-4 minutes and flip tortilla to heat other side for 2-4 minutes. The tortilla should be a nice golden brown and crispy when you are finished. 
4. Remove quesadilla from heat, slice into triangles, and garnish with sour cream, pico de gallo, etc. 


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  1. This looks sooo good! I'm usually lazy and just use cheese and salsa when I make quesadillas at home, but this sounds delicious!

  2. i make these often! I LOVE them!

  3. I'm making these tomorrow for sure! Yum!!

  4. You cannot go wrong with Mexican. Looks really delicious!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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