Leaving a Legacy | Anchors Aweigh


January 27, 2015

Leaving a Legacy

Parker and I revealed we were pregnant to family, friends, and the world weeks before we found out we were having a girl. It was always fun to ask family and friends what they thought the baby was, what they hoped the baby was, etc. I can honestly say I didn't care. I just wanted to be a mom and pray I will get to be a mom to both genders one day. However, a few people made comments about wanting a boy first to carry on the family name. I never said anything, but secretly this drove me nuts. 

Here's why...

We all want to leave a legacy on this Earth before we leave it. We want to be remembered and loved, and we want others to be proud of the life we lived. I don't want to be remembered for my last name. A name is just a name, but our character is what makes a difference. My parents have instilled the values of kindness, selflessness, and honesty in my sisters and me ever since we were little. We aren't perfect people and have all messed up six ways to Sunday, but we were taught and encouraged to be Christians who love the Lord and love people. That's the legacy I want to pass onto my kids. My children will have a different last name than I did growing up, but Parker and I want to teach them to live like Jesus instructed us to live. We want them to choose right from wrong and we want them to do what's right even when it's not what's easy. That is our hope and prayer for our future kids, not that they pass down our last name. 

I have four sisters which means my maiden name will not be carried onto future generations in our direct line. My maiden name isn't even my rightful name if you want to get technical because my great-grandfather was adopted. If Parker and I have all girls (we've got one already!), our last name will not be passed down either. We both really hope we have a son one day, but the last reason we want a son is to pass down the family name. 

Your legacy is entirely dependent on you, and I kind of love that. You aren't responsible for mistakes made throughout family history, and your kids won't be responsible for mistakes you made. You get to decide how people remember you. I challenge each of you to show love to someone you encounter today. Hold the door open at the supermarket. Pay for the person's drink in the drive-thru line behind you. Send someone at work an encouraging email to let them know you appreciate them. We get to choose who we are, and we get to choose the legacy we leave behind. Make it a good one. 

My sisters and I all together for Thanksgiving last year! As one sister said, "If we were in the Hunger Games, I'd volunteer as tribute for each one of you". Love these three!

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  1. I love this! And here's another point: let's say that you and Parker have only girls. But maybe one of them chooses to keep her maiden name and/or wants to hyphenate and have her children have hyphenated names. Your name can be passed on even if you never have boys!

  2. I love this. I want a boy over a girl as well, but unlike you I just want boys.

  3. I love this post! John and I have all boys, but John's father was adopted. I think all that is important is just being a wonderful human being. Who cares about a last name? My last name isn't even what it is supposed to be!

  4. Yes, yes yes! I am 1 of 3 girls and the same is true in our family. It's the end of the family name, not the end of a legacy. :)

  5. I love this post! Since my family is all girls, my maiden name won't be passed on.. but I'm not too upset about it since it is my father's last name and I'm not too fond of him. However, I am a bit sad that my mother's maiden name won't be passed on since she is an only child... I've thought about adding my mom's maiden name to my middle name so it can (somewhat) live through me.

  6. I'm really glad that you posted about this. As Paul and I become more serious and really picture our futures together, we talk about marriage and children every now and then. I want to keep my last name somehow, but he wants me to take his. At the end of the day, I guess it doesn't matter as long as you live how you want to.

  7. A baby is the biggest blessing a person could ever receive, in my opinion.

    My husband and I got married young (at 18 & 19), and we we pressured from the very start to have kids. They badgered us because "the line will DIE OUT if you don't have kids right now." They were disappointed when when we did have a child (7 years later, thanks to infertility) and it was a girl. How could anyone be so disappointed when there was a beautiful, precious, innocent new baby in this world?

    Also, when it took us another 5 years to have our second (our now-5-month-old IUI miracle), all we heard was how fantastic it was. "The name lives on! Finally a boy. One of each; now you can stop." Ugh.

    Sorry for the rant. It's just some of my pet peeves.

  8. You guys are all so pretty! I have to say I've never even thought of this as being a reason to want a boy! I completely agree with you on this though!

  9. Perfectly said! I agree 100%! PS I can't believe how much you and your sisters look alike!

  10. I completely agree! My family is all girls as well and my sister in law asked if I wanted a boy to pass the name down and I said I was ok if we didn't. She was so mad at me! It's not even like I can control it! Haha. But I love this post!

  11. Beautiful and so true. I'm one of four girls, a new mommy to a daughter and I could not agree with you more. It's all about our attitude, outlook and how we make others feel when we're around.

  12. As a female who didn't keep my maiden name, I could really care less about passing on the family name. I know it is exciting that it will, but that is not what is most fun about having a boy. We are like you and want a chance to raise both sexes. But we will love whatever God chooses for us!


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