Your Questions Answered: Vlog Part 2 | Anchors Aweigh


January 29, 2015

Your Questions Answered: Vlog Part 2

Today we are back with our second and final vlog to answer the remainder of the questions we received! These are questions about our faith and our pregnancy with Taylor, and at the end we tell you what the biggest eye opener getting married was for each of us. We hope you enjoy!

Here is the link to the video just in case:

We will be back to our regularly scheduled programming (aka, written words) tomorrow. Thanks to Laurie, Kelly, Ladonna, Kelsey, Stephanie, Rachel, and Brianna for today's questions!

Also, the link to our all-time favorite church that we talked about in this video is here in case you're interested:

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  1. Great answers! :) I've seen a lot of people doing vlogs lately, I may have to try one!

  2. This was fun. The farting!!! :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Loved both of these so much! Loved getting some insight on the two of you and your life.

  4. Jeremiah 29:11 has always been my favorite!!! I enjoyed the vlogs!

  5. I SO enjoyed these vlogs!!! Y'all are so cute together :) And I have to agree with you on that last eye opener! It was the same here when I got married! Must just be a guy

  6. You guys are really cute:) I'm glad you feel like it was right decision to do the surgery. Thanks for sharing! This makes me want to do a video with Jordan now.

  7. We checked out Brazos Fellowship a few weeks ago!

  8. I LOVE both of your recent vlogs. The Q&A was great, but what I loved even more was the way that you and Parker communicate with one another. I like how relatable both of you are. I could tell just from reading your blog for a few months now, that you and Parker have a wonderful marriage and were just so in sync with one another. However, the vlog brought that to a whole other level...getting to see, "in real life", just how great of friends y'all are was really sweet...and of course awesome. I also just love how silly you two are and the way that y'all can laugh with one another...and AT each other, lol. I feel like me and you both have the same sense of child-like humor and even though I am NO where near getting married any time soon (being as I haven't even been out on a "real" date since 2008), but if I ever was to marry, I would definitely have to have a spouse with the ability to laugh like you two do and they would have to put up with my quirkiness ; )...those two things are huge to me when it comes to being in a relationship. Anyhow, I didn't mean to turn this comment into a book, lol...I just wanted to really say that you and Parker both are a great inspiration. You two should do more of these in the future ; )

  9. Tom and I have the same issue when trying to find a new church. He likes the traditional hymns, and I like more contemporary. So fun, thank you for sharing!


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