Four Years of Jenny Lovin' | Anchors Aweigh


February 9, 2015

Four Years of Jenny Lovin'

Last week we celebrated the four year anniversary of Jenny adopting us as her humans! February 5th totally snuck up on me this year, but I couldn't let the day pass without celebrating our girl's adoptiversary. We really can't believe it's been four years. 

We always say Jenny is the best spontaneous decision we have ever made. We were planning on adopting a dog after our wedding in June, but we loved going to pet the pups on adoption days at Petco. There is an awesome organization called God's Little Creatures that rescues dogs in the Bryan/College Station, TX area. Our Jenny was found with her sister on the side of the road, and her sister had already been adopted by the time we found Jenny. 

That day in February started out like any other time we went to pet the pups. We fell in love with all of them and begged each other to bring one home. We were always good and resisted the urge to adopt one... until we met Jenny. They had been calling her Selma, and Parker immediately walked up to her. He started loving on her, and that was it. We took her on a short walk to talk it over, but there was nothing to discuss. She was too perfect, and there was no way we were going home without her. We changed her name to Jenny, and she was ours. 

We have a little saying in our house that goes "Home is where the dog is". On the rare occasion that Jenny is not at home with us, it just feels wrong. She is the third member of our family, and her unconditional love and waggy tail are two of my favorite constants in this world. We are those annoying people who think everything our dog does is adorable and take way too many pictures of that pup. I can only imagine what we are going to be like when it's an actual baby. Jenny knew I was pregnant with Taylor and was very clingy and protective during my last few weeks with her. She will be the best furry big sister one day!

And now, some pictures because I, unashamedly, am obsessed with this dog... 

Probably my all-time favorite shot of this fur child of mine

"Seriously mom, this is obnoxious. Stop it."

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  1. Aww! Happy Birthday Jenny! I am equally obsessed with my dogs, so I love seeing your Jenny pictures... and laughed out loud at the ones where she had to be rescued by Parker during your photoshoot!

    Kourtney @

  2. Aw, yay! Jenny has the best facial expressions... it's like you can tell what she's thinking, haha. Happy four years together! :)

  3. It's so great that Jenny found her forever home with y'all!

  4. She was the perfect add-on to your little family, and I'm so happy that she's been so happy with y'all. Happy adoptiversary, Jenny! I plan on adopting a dog soon, and I know I'll love mine just as much as you love yours!

  5. Aww Happy 4 years! :) Such a precious girl.

  6. Aw happy four years with your Jenny! She looks so sweet and so happy!

  7. So sweet- she looks like such an amazing dog!

  8. Happy 4 years to Jenny! She really looks like such a sweetie.

  9. Happy Adoption Day! It's so great how they become a part of the family. It is so weird to be without them. Jenny has the best expressions!


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