Winter Wonderland | Anchors Aweigh


February 5, 2015

Winter Wonderland

I make it no secret that I love warm weather. I'm from Texas, where it's summer 8 months out of the year. Some people would hate that, but I think it's glorious. One of my biggest apprehensions in moving to Norfolk was surviving the Norfolk winter. They had an unusually cold winter last year with snow lasting until April, and imagining snow in April instead of sunshine and sundresses about sent me into a full on panic attack. I love throwing on shorts and a t-shirt and spending as much time as possible soaking up the sunlight outdoors. My family and friends in Texas are having a really warm winter, and don't even get me started on my California friends. Jealousy to the max over here. 

I am a believer that the weather really does have an effect on your mood. How can you not have a good day when it's sunny and 75? Lately, I have really tried to embrace this Norfolk winter for what it is... a winter. I don't get to experience cold temps often and for long stretches, and we won't live here forever. It's a season of our lives, no pun intended, and I want to make the most of it. Last week, we had our first little snow of the year. It's nothing compared to what those are experiencing father north, but it was something to me! We got all bundled up, took the pups outside, and enjoyed our very own little winter wonderland. 

I wanted to capture the moment to remember our first little east coast snow. I may be wishing I was wearing shorts and a tank every day, but these pictures remind me to be thankful for the season we are in. I mean really, winter is pretty beautiful when it looks like this!

Thanks to the cooler temps, we got to break in the fireplace! So cozy, and also, s'mores.

And to round out what has turned into a random post consisting of me simultaneously complaining about winter and being grateful for it, here is a little picture from last weekend's ice skating adventures. If you haven't been ice skating lately, go! It felt like a mini work-out, and Parker and I both at different times complained that our hips hurt. 25 going on 80 over here.

Do you prefer the cold weather or the warm weather? I would rather sweat my rear end off in 100 degree temps than be cold, but I realize that sounds completely crazy to some! I'm interested to know if I am in the majority or the minority!

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  1. Aw, I love winter! Snow is my favorite. I don't react well to heat... I get dizzy and flushed. I almost passed out at Dan's graduation in the direct sunlight for so long. I was chugging water and Gatorade the whole time, and I was STILL loopy and seeing black spots by the end of it.

  2. I love the warmer temps! Being able to go out in shorts and soak up some rays is much more fun for me.

  3. YES!
    being thankful in every season (literal or not haha) is a great perspective to have!

  4. I hope that you never have to go to Groton. And after spending four years in NC and GA, adjusting to a CO winter makes me miss the 3 weeks of winter those states had.

  5. I am the same way...hate the cold!!! I gre up in Kentucky so I've experienced my fair share of winters but I recently moved to Southern California and I am in love with the weather!!!

  6. I've saying for the past few weeks that I don't do cold weather. I'm not enjoying the cold or the snow. I am trying to enjoy the time that I am in WV, but it sure has been tough. Try going ice skating in a warm environment. It's a tough workout because half the ice was skateable (if that's a word) and half was melted so we had to stomp around.

  7. I am a lover of winter!! :) However I don't mind hot humid summers haha.

  8. I HATE the cold. I try not to complain TOOOOOO much but its really hard for me.

  9. I hate winter because it's always so dark and dreary. I find that my mood is definitely affected by the weather!

  10. The snow is pretty, and I'm adjusting well to the PA winter, but I can't be outside too long. I'll take a hot summer day over the cold 9 times out of 10. I mean, how can you hit the pool or beach in the winter? ;-)

  11. I am not the biggest fan of winter, but there are some pretty moments. How did the pups enjoy the snow? Mine think that it is candy falling from the sky and go nuts!


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