How To: Send A Care Package To Troops In Need | Anchors Aweigh


March 23, 2015

How To: Send A Care Package To Troops In Need

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MySignatureMove #CollectiveBias

Even though we have been a military family for over 3 years, my husband has yet to deploy. That's the aviation life for you. Training never seems to end. His time is coming, but since he has never gone, I am new to the world of care packages. 

I stumbled across a website called where troops post items they are in need of while deployed. All branches are represented, and you can scroll through the different needs and choose who you want to support. I immediately knew I wanted to send something. When Parker is gone, I know he is going to receive package after package and have more than he will need. There are many people deployed who do not have family and do not receive mail. This just breaks my heart. 

This is the note I found from the marine I decided to send a care package to:

General hygiene items, like baby wipes. Any preserved food items (IE jerky, fruit strips). Any energy producing or boosting items with caffeine. We have infrequent access to showers and PX facilities. We have three single Marines specifically that do not get mail from family. Thank you for what you do. 

Seriously, when I read this my heart just broke into a million pieces. I grabbed Parker and our Friday date night turned into us perusing Walmart for items we thought these Marines would get good use out of. Parker gave me the helpful man perspective, and we put together a shopping list that I hope meets their needs.

Items We Included
  • Irish Spring Signature Body Wash and Irish Spring 3-pack of Bar Soap
  • Foot Powder
  • Breath Fresheners
  • Cough Drops
  • Fruit Roll Ups
  • Beef Jerky
  • 5-Hour Energy bottles
  • ChapStick
  • Baby Wipes
  • Thank You Note 

Here is a screenshot of the website I used to select a care package recipient. You can see what the troops have asked for. Once you pick someone, you request their address (it will be a military APO/FPO address), and you receive an email with the address. It was really straightforward. 

Now onto boxing up the items! Here is everything together. We had such a good time wandering through the store and grabbing things we thought would be useful. 

Since he specified hygiene items, I chose the Irish Spring Signature Body Wash (both 3-in-1 and hydrating varieties) and two 3-packs of Bar Soap (hydrating and exfoliating scrub varieties). This troop specifically is all men, so I wanted to send something masculine. 

The thank you note is so important, so don't forget that part! Especially for those who don't receive mail from family, they need to be reminded that we are proud of them and appreciative of what they are doing. I got so much joy in this project and cannot wait for the box to arrive! If you want to make your own box, select a name on the website, head to Walmart, and start here...

Seasoned military spouses: I would love to know what items your spouse wished for most when he/she was deployed!

post signature


  1. Well, I haven't gone through a deployment either, but I have sent care packages. Jett always wanted snacks! I also tried to include something fun like cards, a game, or something similar. These men are so lucky to have someone like you! I'll have to check out this site! Thanks so much!!

  2. That was always one of the upsides of Kyle deploying. Sending the care packages always gave me a sense of joy. I used to send Kyle cakes in a jar and it was always a huge hit.

  3. In high school I used to write letters to the troops. They always loved getting letters (as stupid as they were from a 16 year old!) and I especially loved getting letters back!

  4. Absolutely love this. Will be making one ASAP! Thank you for sharing and THANK YOU for sharing your husband with us to protect our freedom!

  5. I LOVE this idea SO hard. I have lots of friends who have military husbands, so I am all too familiar with the deployments. One of my friends has a husband who deploys quite often, and she can't know where he's going. Can you imagine? I totally can't. Thank you SO much for sharing this website with us. I'm going to use it to teach my children the importance of our military and to help them work on empathy. Thank you! #client


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