My 5 Favorite Ways To Enjoy Me Time | Anchors Aweigh


March 20, 2015

My 5 Favorite Ways To Enjoy Me Time

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MullerMoment #Collective Bias

Parker was gone the past couple of weeks which is never fun, but I always try to make the most of it. These little Navy trips happen here and there and one day, it's going to be a big Navy trip called a deployment. I like to see the time Parker is gone as an opportunity. It's an opportunity to focus on me and catch up on some of my favorite past times. Don't get me wrong, I would much rather him be with me than be away, but focusing on myself and having some of that rare "me time" is always a treat. I thought I would share my top 5 favorite ways to enjoy "me time" and include one of my favorite girly recipes to boot!

My Top 5 Ways To Enjoy "Me Time"

1. Television
This one might go without saying. I watch much less TV than I used to, but I still have those few shows that I get overly excited to watch. My top 3 shows right now are: The Bachelor/Bachelorette, How To Get Away With Murder (How am I supposed to wait until September to find out what happens?!), and Grey's Anatomy. I could sit and watch episodes of these three shows for hours and be totally content. 

2. Reading
Remember when I posted back in December that I was a wannabe bookworm? I have no idea how it happened, but I am officially a reader. It just took finding the types of books I like and BAM, books became my friend. Emily Giffin is my all-time favorite author. Her stories are captivating and her novels are light and easy to read. 

3. Working Out
I am one of those people who will make 7 different excuses not to work out, but as soon as I actually bite the bullet and get my sweat on, I am so glad I did. There is no feeling like that after a solid work-out. Running is a great release for me and something I have enjoyed getting back into now that the weather is warming up. I have started doing weights as well and love accomplishing new goals with those. 

4. Blogging
Shocking, I know. Yes, blogging is my hobby. I enjoy writing posts and scheduling them to be published on my little corner of the interwebs. This is my creative outlet and has allowed me to express myself and hopefully inspire others along the way. Getting to share my pregnancy with Taylor Grace and her story has been my favorite blogging experience to date. 

5. Eating all the things
I'm a girl. Girls like to eat. Actually, I'm a person. People like to eat. I always laugh when girls say "I just love to eat". Well, duh. We all love to eat. If food weren't so stinkin delicious, we would all be size 2's. Sometimes, there is nothing better than curling up on the couch by myself with a bowl of ice cream. Seriously. That's just a nice moment right there. Since ice cream isn't great for my waist line, I look for guilt-free treats that I can feel better about eating. I discovered Müller® Ice Cream Inspired Yogurt at Walmart and decided to create a nutritious alternative to ice cream that I could enjoy on those evenings by myself. Enter: Guilt-Free Ice Cream Sandwiches.

This is the perfect indulgence treat with a balance of taste and nutrition. Each ice cream sandwich is only about 50 calories! Winning. 

This recipe makes about 15 ice cream sandwiches. 

2 containers of Vanilla Bean Müller® Ice Cream Inspired Yogurt (pictured above)
1 cup of fresh strawberries, pureed with stems removed
1 1/2 cups of lite whipped topping, thawed
graham crackers, halved
Mix your Vanilla Bean Müller® Ice Cream Inspired Yogurt, pureed strawberries, and whipped topping in a bowl. Stir until fully combined. 

Break your graham crackers in half. You will use about 30 halves total. TIP: When you inevitably break one of the halves (because odds are, you will), dip the broken piece in the yogurt mixture for a little cooking snack. A small taste never hurt anyone ;)

Place a couple of spoonfuls of your yogurt mixture onto a graham cracker half. Gently top with another graham cracker half. Take a knife and scrape off the excess yogurt on all four sides so it isn't overflowing. On a lined baking sheet for easy clean-up, place sandwiches in the freezer and freeze for an hour before eating. Leave any you don't eat right away in the freezer and grab-n-snack as you please!

Müller® Ice Cream Inspired Yogurt is a new product (They also have raspberry chocolate chip and mint chocolate chip options in addition to the vanilla bean), so here's where you can find them at Walmart:

I actually attended a demo at Walmart and got to try some of these yogurts first hand. If you are anything like me, you love a good sample!

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So there you have it! Those are my 5 favorite ways to indulge in "me time". What are your go-to activities when the husband is away or the kids are asleep? I only chose 5, but I'd like to point out that sleeping gets honorable mention as a "me time" activity. Yes, sleep is a friend. 

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  1. There is nothing wrong with loving to eat. Haha I am the same exact way.

  2. Love these things too. Ok, maybe not working out! LOL! I admire you for that. How did you feel about how The Bachelor turned out? I hope Chris and Whitney last!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. Pretty sure mine would never make it to the freezer. I would just dip my graham crackers in ALL the yogurt and eat it. Yum! #client

  4. Your guilt free ice cream sandwiches looks divine!!!! Definitely doing this with my kids!!


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