Weekly Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


March 26, 2015

Weekly Confessions

It's Thursday, which means we are one day away from everyone's favorite day of the week. A little light-hearted confessing sounded like a fine idea for today. Here's what's been going on in our world...

I confess... I was at a conference for work last week when I looked down and realized my pants were unzipped. I don't even know how many people I interacted with before I noticed, but it was a lot. Professional, party of one. 

I confess... Parker was gone for 10 days earlier this month. He came home with a bag of dirty laundry bigger than me and bragged, "I was the only one who didn't have to do laundry!". His gain, my loss. Laundry for days. 

I confess... Parker and I have a Saturday morning routine that we get giddy excited about. Every Saturday morning, I make those Pillsbury cinnamon rolls in a can. Why go homemade when they taste so good right out of the can? Saturday morning cinnamon rolls always make the top 5 moments of the week.

I confess... I was talking to my parents and somehow Abe Lincoln and the fact that he was really tall came up. I spouted off my shouldn't-count-as-medical-knowledge and told them it is believed he had Marfan syndrome, which could explain why he was so tall. I told them it also makes sense because he died young. My mom looked at me and said "well, he was assassinated, so that's probably more why he died young". Foot. in. mouth. Good call, mom. Good call. 

I confess... I restore Jenny's ears to factory settings at least once a day. It drives me nuts when one of her ears is flopped up, so Parker will flip it up when I'm not looking just to see me quickly "restore to factory settings". The OCD in me can't handle it. 

 Everyone have a wonderful day!

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  1. Oh my gosh haha Jenny's ears. Ryan does that to our cats, and it drives me bonkers!

    Ps…ten dollars says nobody noticed your fly was down ;)

  2. I laughed at Parker's comment about the laundry! Cinnamon rolls are SO. GOOD. Wishing I had some now :)

  3. Haha Kyle did the same thing with laundry from a TDY trip. Silly men!

  4. I totally did that with my laundry in my freshman year of college because I didn't want to pay for it.

  5. Love these confessions... esp the one about Abe Lincoln. LOL, we all have our moments!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  6. When Mac left for his second deployment, he was kind enough to leave two overflowing laundry baskets. And I totally laughed about the Abe Lincoln thing because I always bust out the Marfan Syndrome trivia.

  7. Hahaha, I have totally noticed my zipper down before... so embarrassing! One time, a student pointed it out to me... awkward.

  8. I leave my pants unzipped a embarrassing amount. I would say I do it at least once a week. Am I five? It's ridiculous. We do the cinnamon rolls like you but on Sunday morning before church! Love it!


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