Lots To Celebrate | Anchors Aweigh


April 10, 2015

Lots To Celebrate

This post is going to be short and sweet, but we have had a lot to celebrate these past few days and I wanted to share! 

Last weekend, Parker became carrier qualified for the C-2! How these pilots land these giant planes on those small carriers is beyond me. That's skill right there. Super proud of him, and it's always a relief to be through the other side of carrier qualifications. There is a little tradition when you are going to the boat that many gentlemen, my husband included, like to partake in. They all grow mustaches. It's an old tradition, much to many wives' dismay. Parker grew a little stache for the boat and after a couple of months of that thing, we were both ready for it to hit the road, Jack. When Parker returned from the boat, I gave him a big hug and a fully charged razor. The mustache is gone and we have a carrier qualified aviator... life is good. 

My mustache man
Carrier qualifications happened to occur over Easter weekend (the Navy has such impeccable timing), so this was my first Easter spent by myself. I was too far away to be with family, so I went to church, met a couple of girlfriends for Easter brunch, and gave the pups their Easter treats. I baked a cake to try to make it feel more like Easter, but it turns out people make the holidays, not the cake. Who knew? I wish I could have been with my husband and family, but these things happen and Parker missing things is inevitable. We have a saying around our house: "It wasn't the first thing he's missed and it won't be the last". You take the hand you're dealt and go with it.

Easter Sunday with my girls!
Our most exciting news came Wednesday when we found out Parker will officially be joining the VRC 40 Rawhides in Norfolk, VA! He is over the moon and so am I. I would have absolutely loved to move to San Diego and still get sad thinking about not getting to do life there, but getting to do life here is going to be pretty great too. I think we are exactly where we are supposed to be, and we are thrilled and ready for this next phase of military life. Buying a house, deployment, and babies... bring it on!

So excited and so proud of this guy
We have a lot to celebrate this weekend! It's been a whirlwind of a week, so thank goodness for Friday! 

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  1. I am so excited for you guys! Such a wonderful adventure ahead for both of you! :)

  2. Congrats to Parker! I'm totally biased, but Virginia is great. And you just may end up in San Diego at some point.

  3. Congrats to parker! That's so great! I'm so sorry you had to do easeaster on your own. Nate and I didn't do easter with anyone this year and it was really hard for me.

  4. Woooo! Hurrah for BOTH of you (him for passing the certification and YOU for not having the mustache to deal with)! I know you're pain on that one. Ha!

  5. My poor poor mustache ... A part of me is gone!

  6. Congrats to Parker on being carrier qualified for his plane and for his new assignment! I'm not going to lie, I'll admit I was a little happy to see y'all are staying on the East Coast so we can hopefully eventually meet up!

  7. Congratulations to Parker! That's so exciting. And you must be thrilled to know that you're going to be in one location for the next 3 years!

  8. Oh the boat-stache!!! haha All too common to see here in Meridian as well! Congrats to you both!!

  9. That is so exciting! I am happy for you both :D

  10. Congratulations to Parker!! What awesome news!! You sound really happy about everything, and I'm so glad! :)

  11. Congrats to Parker and what great news that. I know you're stoked to see where life takes you in this part of life. Good luck with things.

  12. YAY!!!! Norfolk it is :) So happy for both of you!

  13. So excited for you! Cant wait to see all that God has in store for you over these next few years! :)

  14. Congrats to Parker! And you!!!
    I agree about Easter. I did have Nick home, but I'm like you and come from a close family. It's just so weird to go from a house full of lots of people, love, and far too much food, to a small celebration. It's absolutely the company that makes the special occasions.

  15. Congrats to Parker! I am sure it is good to know at least where the next few years will bring!

  16. I live in VA also with my Active Duty Marine Spouse, Quantico, VA. I am new to your blog and love it!!


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