Weekly Confessions | Anchors Aweigh


April 2, 2015

Weekly Confessions

I guess I've decided to make these "weekly confessions" a thing. I like to share light and quirky things that happen and these posts are just fun to write. So let's get to this week...

I confess... I ordered a couple of new pairs of shorts from J. Crew a couple of months ago and this week it has FINALLY been warm enough to wear them! Their 4'' chinos are my absolute favorite shorts. The new colors I bought are seamist and melted caramel and I may have done a happy dance or 5 when I finally got to break them in!

I confess... Parker and I went to an Indian Restaurant for the first time ever with friends a few weeks back. Parker and I are not big on spicy food, so when the waiter came to take his order, Parker said "I'm not a big spicy person...". Before he could finish, the waiter quipped "You're at an Indian restaurant!". Apparently it's borderline offensive to not like spicy food in an Indian restaurant. Oops. We both enjoyed what we ordered though!

I confess... Instead of asking the dogs if they want to go on a walk every day, I'm going to ask them if they want to go on a sniff. Those two have to smell every last inch of green earth, so I end up doing a lot of standing around while they get their smell on. Heaven forbid we do a little cardio. 

I confess... I had to have my eyes dilated yesterday, and I couldn't see anything! It's been 12 years since the last time they were dilated, so I had completely forgotten how little you can see up close. Fun fact: they are still dilated. I'm rocking a nice set of big black eyes at the moment. 

I confess... Jenny caught a cat. Again. I don't even know what I am going to do with her. One minute she is sniffing a bush, and the next she has a giant orange cat in her mouth. The cat is fine and Jenny appears to be as well, but I've been watching her like a hawk for signs of a bacterial infection. This dog. She just wants to be a hunter so badly. She also seems to want to give me a heart attack. 

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  1. oh em g.
    poor cat!! :(
    i'm glad it was ok, and hopefully jenny doesn't get any infection!

  2. Ahh, Indian food is one of my favorites! Glad you enjoyed what you ordered! :) Also, our dog DEFINITELY likes sniffing more than actually walking... glad ours isn't the only one! And holy cow - she caught a cat?! That's impressive... cats are quick!

  3. Grace caught a bird once, and it was one of the most terrifying moments on my dog mom life. But she was so proud of herself!

  4. I had my eyes dilated last year then went to the PX. I never realized how bright fluorescent lights are until then, haha.

  5. Yum I love Indian food! It's so good!

  6. I LOVE spicy food but not a huge fan of Indian food. The spices are just overwhelmingly strong!

  7. I can't really handle spicy food either, so I would have asked them what the least spicy thing on their menu was ha ha!


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