A Wonderfully Ordinary Weekend | Anchors Aweigh


May 18, 2015

A Wonderfully Ordinary Weekend

I realized recently that I hardly ever do weekend recaps anymore. That's mainly because all of our weekends are similar: we eat more food than we should, we sleep a lot, we go to the movie theater or watch a movie on the couch, and we hang out with friends. It's always a little different, but I probably just covered 80% of our weekends in that synopsis. We are like the rest of the humans on the planet in that we love those weekends something fierce. Sitting here writing this, I just realized it is already Sunday night, and that is too close to Monday morning for comfort. 

Anyway, I wanted to recap this weekend to remember what weekends look like down the road. Life is always changing, and I am sure these normal, run-of-the-mill weekends will not always look this way. We won't have Darla, he'll deploy, we'll hopefully have kids... life will just change. 

So this weekend we actually started a little early and went to the movie theater Thursday night to watch Pitch Perfect 2. It was aca-awesome (sorry, I can't help it), and I highly recommend seeing it. I probably give the first one the edge, but I quite enjoyed the sequel as well. 

Friday night, Parker suggested Greek food at a great little local restaurant, and we felt like we ate the menu. I'm pretty sure we waddled out of there and collapsed on the couch as soon as we got home. We had a pizza which is pretty mundane on the Greek food spectrum, but we got the sampler appetizer to make up for it. Other than the gyro meat and pita bread, I could not name another thing on this plate. Scratch that, there is a giant pile of hummus. Other than that, I have no clue:

Does anyone else take pictures of their food for no reason?
Friday night, we watched the latest Survivor episode and may have been high fiving/fist bumping when the person we wanted to go home got the boot. We get way too into that show for our own good. 

Saturday morning, we woke up and decided we needed to work out after the meal we had the previous evening. I am a terrible motivator and kept casually saying "I could be convinced to not workout" and "Wouldn't you rather just eat cinnamon rolls?". Those statements didn't fly, and before I knew it we were out the door and each heading out for a run. I felt amazing afterward, and I was so glad he held strong on the "let's work out" thing. We enjoyed a cool down stroll with the pups as well. 

Pre-run selfie fun. 
The pups look like they're dying here. No worries, they're still alive.
Saturday was spent doing a little packing here and there to get ready for the upcoming move, errands together, and another movie date that evening. That's where things went south for me. You see, I had made him the deal that if he went to see Pitch Perfect 2 with me on Thursday, I would see Mad Max with him on Saturday. I made good on the promise and sat through the darn thing, but yall, it was painful. I told Parker it might be the worst movie I have ever seen in theaters. Dramatic much? It wasn't my kind of movie, and Parker thought it was just okay. He so got the better end of the deal seeing Pitch Perfect 2. 

Sunday was spent driving about 45 minutes away to collect boxes from another military family who just moved here (free boxes for the win!), getting stuck in traffic, and having a little QT (quality time) as Parker kept calling it. I also met one of my friends for a fun girls lunch, and we saw Hot Pursuit in theaters. If you're keeping track, that's three movies in one weekend. That's a bit above average, but I enjoyed 2 of the 3 ;)

So that was our weekend! It was wonderfully ordinary. 

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  1. So many movies! We probably see three in an entire year, haha! I think it's awesome to document "normal" life so you can look back. Great idea! :)

  2. Oooo! I love the new look! Very nice! I recently updated mine as well and am hoping to pay for a really good new design in the further future. But, I'm going to have to save up for a while to get the designer I want. I love love love the new look! (I loved the old look too! :) )

  3. Girl we are on the same brainwave! I also saw Pitch Perfect 2 Friday night and I also thought it was aca-awesome. PS Love the redesign!

  4. I take random food pics sometimes. I also want to watch pitch perfect 2 so bad!!! Waiting on our next date night to do so! And I like reading your blog and seeing yall in your Aggie swag. It makes me happy! Gig 'em 👍🏼

  5. Yes to survivor...finale is this week! and man, we are just itchin' to see pitch perfect 2 lol

  6. We have similar weekends. We kind of just hang out. I loved reading that someone else does the same things we do!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. Our weekends usually look the same too. I am jealous that you got to see three movies in one weekend! We hardly get to the theaters anymore. What did you think of Hot Pursuit?


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